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Everything posted by vanrosemont

  1. vanrosemont

    Player Journals

    bump for justice. Not sure if this is even possible, and it might spawn journal hunters. No idea how to properly implement it. But IF it's done right, this could be one phenomenal.
  2. vanrosemont

    Player kill registration removal

    Brilliant suggestion.
  3. vanrosemont

    Wildies vs Coasties. Which are you?

    I loved the hiking, slowly moving in the north from town to town. temp mechanic fucked that up though.
  4. been playing a lot now with the new patch, just adding 2cts. It not only drops temperature, it drops fun. I am not enjoying this feature as it is now at all, will play some more and test but so far it really really takes away from all the good stuff and just becomes a temperature sim.
  5. vanrosemont

    Build Hotfix

    yes ponds still bugged, stick to coke cans. also respawn rates are insane. cleared a small village, ran bout 300 m away to kill the last zeds following me, ran back, whole village populated again.
  6. considdering your name that is hardly surprising
  7. vanrosemont

    Rockets jar of tears

    loads more, the new bandage/food invent mechanic certainly made me fill a cup :D and obviously: time to start a fire in these woods ! ow damn, forgot me firewood from the village ;(
  8. vanrosemont

    Too many downsides playing night?

    I like the nights, however with the new temperature haven't been at night yet. I found that night was "unplayable" as many said. but then i went and experimented, threw a few flares into towns and crawl around in the red glow was great. Lots of loot, relative safety and if a player appeared race into the darkness. also at night you can follow roads with chemlight to navigate to other locations. they are relatively safe to use then. Too many:"ITS TOO DARK I CANT DO ANYTHING" posts, experiment and try new things i'd say. :) have FUN. your character is going to die anyway.
  9. It's all been said already, but is the first gameplay mechanic that really just doesn't work for me, it kills immersion because of the goofyness, and with 1 2 3 punch of getting cold, needing matches and THEN the wood and then you start the fire and it sinks through the forest floor it's a little to much. First thing in the game that actively feels like a chore.
  10. vanrosemont

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Dude - just relax - he's just taking the piss. Stop taking everything so seriously. Carebear. This. relax, this is fun. It's a wilde ride, enjoy it, and don't take things personaly but with a wink ;)
  11. vanrosemont

    Build Hotfix

    Rocket first of all fantastic work on this mod, its an experience like no other. Absolutely love it. I registered not just for thanks of course as complaining is our nature but the change in context menu concerning food/water/fire/bandage etc is really REALLY clunky. Arma;s gear menu is slow at the best of times for me. I cannot speak for how you control your data, but please rethink this change, bandaging with zombies near is a split second decision that really needs to be 1 click away. Also it constantly takes me out of immersion having to eat and drink from pack. Keep up the great work and please reconsidder this. I'll take performance for this interface change gladly as a tradeoff.