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About vanrosemont

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  1. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    this mod can go fuck itself.
  2. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    so it's time to use this thread to promote lingor as maybe then we will get some response ie: a lock. so how does one go about playing lingor island ?
  3. good to see the mods here are just as big an asshole as the other users here. :|
  4. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    we won't it will get locked before then. :lol:
  5. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    seriously, in the last 10 years what game has ever had such stupidity as epileptic chaos created by a few 3d models that are somehow "wrong" guess what.. even arma 2 vanilla didnt have it. where the hell does this even come from ?
  6. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    to lessen interest in the stand alone probably.
  7. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    great. more bullshit changes nobody asked for.
  8. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    could be. just the latest in a long row of stuff that is shit in this mod right now.
  9. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    half the numbers on the frontpage are nonsense, i'll believe my server list first.
  10. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    how many full servers do you see in your serverlist ? not many,.. how many of my favorite servers are still out there ? only one from 5 a month ago. shit is dying and team isnt communicating.
  11. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    game has unplayable artifacts and broken zombies for about 5 weeks now. how is that developing the mod ?
  12. vanrosemont

    Found an Suv....... How is this possible??

    fucking graphical glitches. its only been 5 weeks rocket..
  13. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    because the state of the mod has been shit for more than a month perhaps ?
  14. vanrosemont

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    a month of graphical glitches from some stupid and unnecesary models and a 2 week in hotfix fixes nothing. how can it be so difficult to fix some simple stupid models from glitching. total fail.
  15. vanrosemont

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    This game is about the players discovering everything for themselves, give us a heatmap of the players and a lot of "hiding" places will show up and interest people to go give that a look when they otherwise wouldnt have done that. It's bad enough all the vehicles, choppers, loot spawn locations WITH PERCENTAGES are already out there, basicly fucking over anyone still wanting to play in the "dark", because half the players already have all that info and thus any chance of spotting a vehicle or some actual discovery in this game is already very much hampered. And then the devs themselves want to give a map of player locations too ? hidden camps anyone ? That you cannot understand this probably makes you at least as big an idiot as me.