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About CNasty

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  1. CNasty

    Once you go back you never go black

    So basically this is a post justifying yourself to yourself (as the community doesn't care) about how you choose to play a bandit. Whoopdee doo!!! You just became a unique person just like everybody else. Only you wanted to give it a catchy title so that everybody would read about your personal choice.
  2. CNasty

    Straya Only! Team?

    <TROLL> You screwed up your post... the word "partner" is way off chillin on the left like a democrat... </TROLL>
  3. CNasty

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    and don't forget that by tapping the forward key, you can stay quieter than if you just hold it while creeping... or is that another cheat? or exploit? or is that fair? I just DON"T KNOW ANYMORE!?!?!?!? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I unfortunately do still die from zombies on a semi-regular basis, but mainly due to playing on an old laptop. More than 3 zombies rush me, and my whopping 20 FPS drops to about 10... thus rendering my beautiful shiny Makarov pistol useless for headshots, and we know how it goes from there.
  5. CNasty

    Your Best DayZ Jokes?

    DayZ joke? "Friendly in Cherno!"
  6. CNasty

    Average Day in Chernogorsk

    Log in ---> random encounter ---> DEATH!!! Flow chart complete.
  7. CNasty

    Dayz game model to military sim?

    so... let me get this right.. you want to use a mod for a military sim that allows perpetual characters that reset when you die, and run it for purely PvP? You run around, gun people down, and pick up their weapons to get better toys, only to get shot and start all over again? have you ever been to the NWAF? Then you've already played it!
  8. CNasty

    Anyone still play DayZ??

    I will play alot more once the standalone comes out... by then I should be back in the states with a decent gaming rig, instead of suffering 15-20 FPS on a laptop!
  9. CNasty

    Ages to load????

    On topic, check the servers with 1) LOW ping (like under 100, preferably 50), 2) more players means more server effort and usually longer load times, 3) I make sure the server is up to date. If they are lagging on one of the patches, then it's probably not being maintained, and so who knows what is going on behind the scenes there. 4) be patient. Some days I get in after 30 seconds, and other days I have to alt+f4 out of a locked up loading screen a few times and try again, and magically I'm in.
  10. CNasty

    Ages to load????

    ooh, you're right! and to unlock bonus content, go to Cherno and ask if there are any friendlies. They will give you a 3" by .50 Cal. gift pack!
  11. CNasty

    Ages to load????

    Congratulations! You have completed the game! We hope you enjoyed playing!
  12. CNasty

    Hello/Friendly/Don't Shoot

    Trust me when I speak from experience: any short-cut keys will have a minimal impact on the game one way or the other.
  13. I was wondering how long it would take for somebody to realize that I had somehow valued everybody's life at circa $30! That could make a new tagline somehow.
  14. There really is no in-game fix to banditry/KOS/Sniping. Even if you kill the bandit/sniper/douchebag, he will just re-spawn, grab another rifle, and resume. The only true fix to this would be to make it a one-life game. You buy the game, you play the game. When you die, you're dead. Game over. You just wasted 30-40 bucks. Hope you enjoyed your 15 minutes of fame, but you never get to play again. Only then would your in-game life begin to resemble the true cost of PvP IRL. However, then nobody would buy the game. Therefore, you will always have to deal with this. Trust me, the standalone won't fix these issues. It is due to the minimal-consequence design of video games. So raging about it won't fix the problem. I don't know what will fix the problem besides a game so massive and in-depth that we can have 200-300 people on a server 24-7 working in shifts to act as law enforcement, and a system to system-intensive that it would be unplayable with the current generation of computer. Even then, the "police" will spend minimal time eating donuts, and just end up in non-stop PvP/Patrols to prevent the one sniper who thinks he can beat the system. Until that happens, just enjoy the game, and cry a few tears after dayz of looting ends with a single loud bang somewhere between stary and Pusta in the middle of the forest. BTW, to whoever that was: "Great shot douchebag, I hate you now." :-D
  15. CNasty

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    Think of the investment as buying an outstanding game for less than the cost of the beer you bought to drink while playing it in college. That's how I have to justify it.