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About GamingsFinestPlayers

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello. My name Dark and I am looking for 1-2 people to play with lingor island with! I am 14 so if that is a problem don't bother responding. Thanks! Skype is, darkftw123
  2. Hey can I join? I'm 14 and would love to play DayZ with some friendly's. I'll add you on skype. I'm in the US.
  3. GamingsFinestPlayers

    Looking for Survivors

    I'd like to play with you guy's! I'm 14 and have a mic, Skype, and TS3 EDIT: Whoops sorry double post
  4. GamingsFinestPlayers

    Looking for Survivors

    I'll be willing to join! I'm 14 so if that's a problem let me know. I have a mic and everything so.. yeah.
  5. GamingsFinestPlayers

    Looking For a Friendly Group of Survivors

    What's your skype?
  6. Hello guys! I was getting tired of the solo DayZ and decided to look for a few players to play with! That being said I am a bit young, 14, so if you guys don't like a high voice I would suggest you don't apply. I am mature though so no need to worry about that! I am in the USA so if you guys match that timezone it would probably be better.
  7. GamingsFinestPlayers

    Looking for a partner.

    I don't know if age is a problem. That being said I'm 14, In California, and my humanity is 2500