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About Spectre3327

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Spectre3327

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    in need of a blood transfusion(5000 blood), i'm in one of the apartments in the north east of Berezino. Steam: Spectre3327
  2. Spectre3327

    Looking for group!

    i've added you on steam
  3. i would like to join but i've played DayZ only for a few days now and i don't have very good gear
  4. Spectre3327

    recording program help

    record with Fraps or Dxtory, always cut out the looong walking parts
  5. Spectre3327

    heli crash sites question

    i just want to ask: how many heli crash sites can i find at time? i mean, there's only 1 per server and then it respawn in another place or there are more a 1 time? i checked on the wiki but it doesn't say anything about it. thx u already
  6. sup bros? I'm looking for a team/clan to play with. My timezone is gmt +1 and i usually play in UK,DE Servers; i'm only 17 but i don't fuck around(don't have time to) and i have a mic for ts3 ect. oh also, i'm new to DayZ be aware of that xD
  7. Spectre3327

    Night-time playing without NVG

    thank you all for the tips :)
  8. Hi guys, i'm new to DayZ; i just want to ask if there's a way to play night-time without Night Vision Goggles... yea... i know there's the flashlight but when you run you can't see shit! i know that probably this is a stupid question but you never know right? also do day-time-only servers exist?