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Everything posted by -PATY- TJ -RUS-

  1. Why would it take blood from the person applying the transfusion? Its a bag filled with blood, aka "Blood bag". The blood from the bag is transfused into the player. The fact that it restores you to full blood is why they are so valuable, and lowering it would require you to carry more bags in our already limited space capacity.
  2. -PATY- TJ -RUS-

    Rifles which to choose and why?

    I use my silenced m4, because even though ammo is less common to come by, the ability to shoot and not attract zombies or players is just a huge advantage. If there was a silenced AK-47 I would choose that over the m4.
  3. -PATY- TJ -RUS-

    Fixing Boats

    Yes, the boat only requires an engine and fuel. I would not waste your time with it, it only goes 14mph.
  4. -PATY- TJ -RUS-

    You, you and you. You are all part of the problem.

    What a wall of text, but overall you just seem mad. Don't like it, don't play. Plenty of people are able to get groups of friends to play and work together, and enough to keep servers populated and alive. I know my group's rule is KOS for anyone who is not in our voice channel. We have too much gear to risk losing anything, and honestly I don't care about your experience.
  5. You need some wood, matches to light a fire, a knife to cut up your steaks. Go hunting... I have all of that, but I am not going to scavenge villages for wood, when there is forest all around me. Seems silly
  6. Looks like we are stuck with can goods until the hatch or a better wood retrieval system is added Nya.