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Everything posted by tmwalpha22

  1. tmwalpha22

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Has anyone had a lot of crashing problems with this patch, or is it just me?
  2. tmwalpha22

    My Zombie Apocalypse Dream Gear

    Well I know that the 5.56 can fire a .223 round as they are very similar. The neck is a bit bigger on the 5.56 than a .223, and can accept them, but the freebore length is different, and a 5.56 shoots with a higher pressure and Feet per second than a .223. And I would say that the .243 or a 30-06 is the most popular caliber for any hunting rifle you will see. EDIT: Didn't realize someone said this already. But on topic, I would have my guns as follows: Mosin-Nagant with my PU 4x scope. Ruger 10/22 Target or a Mini-14 Glock 22 And melee would be the Mosin-Nagant, held like a baseball bat.
  3. tmwalpha22

    Similar games to DayZ

    There's at least a million mods that add zombies to it, with a few jems here and there.
  4. Just hop on the Teamspeak, but this late you might have to wait until the morning. The TS is ts.dayzmedics.com and hop into a help needed channel.
  5. When ya get the chance, hop on the Teamspeak at ts.dayzmedics.com and someone will be there to help ya.
  6. Whenever you can just hop on the Teamspeak at ts.dayzmedics.com and one of us can help ya there.
  7. You don't need to register on the forums to get on the Teamspeak. Just download it and connect to the address that Hockey specified.
  8. Im in the area and could help ya, just hop on the TS, download it if you dont have it, download it, its useful, if you ever need help, and its a small download.
  9. tmwalpha22

    UK 373! Survivor friendly anti hacker server

    Lol. Not finding it is the Anti-Hack. Genius! Lol Jk I bet the server is good, just can't find it.
  10. tmwalpha22

    UK 373! Survivor friendly anti hacker server

    Anyone have an IP? I want to play, but I can't find it.
  11. Personally, I would rather get killed and have them loot my body and take my things than the CoD Kiddies that hide the body and take nothing. I never KoS, even if said person has a bandit skin. But if he is sniping new spawns, then they gonna be dead. It takes no skill to shoot someone who can't shoot back. And this is coming from a Medic/Hero; if bandits were not in the game, the game would not be as fun as it is.
  12. tmwalpha22

    Killing a man with his own gun

    I was taking a nice little stroll through Electro, when I heard a DMR shot ring out from sniper hill. Being a fresh spawn, I went to go and see if i could find a interesting way to kill him for camping out Electro, shooting bambies. So I went up there, opened his bag, and found a bear trap in his pack, and set it behind him. I then yelled, "Hey, turn around!" He turned around, shot at me, then the bear trap got him. He then asked me for morphine to heal his legs, but since he was shooting new spawns, I said I would, just so I could walk away safely, and I left him there. Idk what happened after that, but I'm pretty sure he wasn't happy... Karma hurts.
  13. Ok, connect to our Teamspeak at ts.dayzmedics.com and we'll sort you out.
  14. Saucy plz. I just wanted a Mountain Dew, it wasn't my fault that we all died.
  15. Actually the medic thing never died, we are still operating, its just slow as people are waiting for SA, just don't play anymore, or can't be bothered to ask for help, among other reasons that I can't think of at the moment.
  16. tmwalpha22

    DayzHive - Nexus [AI's, Safezones, Chopper, 24/7, Taxi, etc]

    Skype Username: majorseanak47 Age: 15 Playstyle: Medic Timezone: Central Standard Country: US
  17. tmwalpha22

    Opinions with the Update?

    The one thing I hate is the fact zombies can hit you inside vehicles but you cant kill them from the inside so vehicles have REALLY become a liability...
  18. tmwalpha22

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Near NW airfield if anyone needs help there or the surrounding area.
  19. tmwalpha22

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ya i'd be glad to join ya for a bit. whats your steam name?
  20. tmwalpha22

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I should be able to help you if you weren't already.
  21. tmwalpha22

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If you still need help i have some and i'm in the area.
  22. tmwalpha22

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    and how do i become whitelisted?
  23. tmwalpha22

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    umm can someone help me on how to join the supply group of TMW? I can't figure it out and i really want to join! Any help with this would be appreciated.
  24. tmwalpha22

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    yet again someone helped me. absinthe who was a bodyguard helped me at balota cause i needed painkillers. yet again thanks to you guys and you are all awsome. and thanks absinthe!
  25. tmwalpha22

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Today i was helped by Flatearth. i was low on blood and had bones broken so i decided to go on the teamspeak and get some help. it took awhile because we couldn't connect to servers but eventually we got on one and he found me couldn't be more grateful that he could help me. he did an awesome job and i feel he deserves to be in the trusted medics.