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Posts posted by Sushin

  1. My first kill? Well, I was in a building in the unusually quiet Elektro with a Lee Enfield up on the second floor. I saw a guy crouching around on the street and was watching him for a bit. I watched as my gun followed wherever he walked and it was almost like it was suggesting I try to shoot him through the window. I looked through the crosshairs and did a little compensation for his forward movement and let off a shot. The glass shattered and he fell down, dying instantly. It was pretty emotional for me, since it got counted as a murder and he didn't see it coming nor was he a threat, but I've had the same stuff happen to me. I always assumed the person killing me was a heartless bastard, but what if they were just like me?

  2. @sushin - have a eye on the other guy everytime ... and when in comes to an face off ... and he has a gun, don´t trust him for a second until he lower his gun ...

    ... lone wolf players mostly shoot first and then they look who you are ... that are the most dangerous players imo.

    Better look out for groups ...

    I don't know if that's reliable. Groups have a sense of community so they are just as likely to shoot outsiders on sight, especially to keep from losing a member. I think the same rules apply, if you can open up a line of communication to a group, it's more likely that one of the players inside it will not shoot you and convince their friends to do the same (unless they are a bandit group). Loners are more unpredictable though.

    Approaching players is hard. Any requests made to a player may come off as suspicious. I asked a guy to type once instead of talk because I couldn't hear him, and after he wouldn't, I realized asking someone to type is a way to make them vulnerable.

    You can try saluting out of view, which will lower your weapon so you aren't pointing it, and then looking at other players won't make it look like you are pointing your gun at their face, but it's not easy to request that another player does the same.

  3. I used to be a strict friendly player, but after briefly joining the dark side, it's a lot easier to think like a bandit.

    It's hard being friendly, so I'm wondering the best way to go about it. Whenever I see a person I gravitate towards them, but that's not always the best idea. It seems like a psychological game.

    The number one thing, I believe, is to try and start communicating with players from a defensive position. From there, you can determine whether they are friendly or not, but this leaves a lot of questions.

    Should you give away your presence or not by establishing communication?

    If you don't you can possibly hold someone up. Tell them not to turn around or move if you have them in their sights. They may disconnect but that would keep you safe, at least. They might stay if they don't think you're going to shoot them, and why would you if you have just held them up? Just make sure you aren't bluffing when you tell them not to move.

    If you do call out, it's similar to warning a bear in the woods about your presence. A player is less likely to shoot you if you call out that you are friendly, and if they reply you can start deciding whether or not you can help each other. That's the hardest part though.

    Whatever you do, don't give away your position before you know who you're talking to. Asking "Is anyone in the church?" alerts players that you are outside the church and that you are probably about to come in, giving them time to prepare for you.

    If anyone else has any tips, or useful stories, please share them.

  4. Since I started playing this game, I was a nice guy. Died a lot because I didn't want to shoot, and I used to get a little angry that someone would kill me, a person who would have helped them out. A little naive, but after I got farther north and had some of the best gear, I there wasn't much left to do in the game. Sick of getting killed, I started playing this game like a death match.

    I had some fun moments, like chasing a guy off a roof with an axe, beating someone who thinks they are sneaky to death with a crowbar and such. It seems when I'm wreckless it's easy not to get killed, but then I found a ghilie suit and an AK off of someone and started playing the silent hunter. A lot of people, probably wreckless like I was, fell to my gun, but what is a bit disturbing to me is that they have no ammo in their guns half the time. Seeing that, I feel bad, but that made me think about the people who killed me. I knew they weren't doing it out of spite, at least most of the time, but it's gotta come from a place of fear, or revenge, at least partially.

    I thought back to the times I actually found people who wouldn't shoot me. Those were the most memorable moments I had in this game. I think what I'm trying to say is, you can die 100 times and kill 100 people, but if you can find one person who decides not to shoot you, and you don't shoot them, it makes for a much better experience. If you play this game with fear and revenge determining your actions, or just blood lust, how much fun do you think you're having?

    • Like 5

  5. Just tested "Showcase 1: US Army", and worked fine. But when launching it with the beta patch shortcut (the one i use for DayZ) it doesn't work and does the same as you said, only atv and motorcycle are there.

    The shortcut that works for me launches the file "C:/Program Files/Bohemia Interactive/ArmA 2/arma2OA.exe".

    Search for that file on your pc and launch it directly without shortcut (the beta patch shortcut contains extra commands like -beta=.... and -mod=@dayz

    I see. In my steam folder, launching the .exe directly seems to make the program work just fine.

  6. Just got mine working.

    How are you guys launching the game when trying to play single player?

    I was launching it with the beta patch shortcut, this time i did it with the shortcut created when i installed Arma 2 instead, and it worked.

    Well, I'm launching it right through Steam. Are you sure it's working? Because I can seem to play in the armory just fine, but a lot of units in other missions are gone. I don't have a beta patch.

  7. I have the Steam version of Arma 2 and OA on Windows 7.

    My problem is that after using the Sixupdater to play DayZ now, which works fine, I can no longer play normally OA or CO when I launch the game through Steam. When I do, everything seems to work ok until I load a mission. When that happens, I get an error message saying something like:

    "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/citizen.scope'."

    but it's different depending on the map I load.

    Once the map is loaded, the American Army showcase for example, all the vehicles are missing except the ATV and motercycle, and my character has no gun, and there is only one NPC. In other maps, it seems like my character is missing so instead of controlling an avatar, I get an overhead view of the map and that's it.

  8. If other people can't judge the goodness or badness of a person in the real world why do you think an algorithm can do it in a video game?

    I'm not sure what you're trying to get at. That real world human interaction is the same thing as interaction in DayZ, or that humanity is the same thing as "goodness or badness"

    Because neither of those are true.

  9. players earn one anothers trust by trating each other right' date=' just as in reality

    that DayZ has broken with the bullshit frabrication '+ 5 points to light side' that we've endured for the past decade is to its credit

    in reality you don't see your 'paragon points' hovering over your head or in your inventory menu, so why should anyone expect it in any game?


    In reality people who find sniper rifles during the zombie apocalypse don't climb towers and start sniping the last remaining humans deliberately. People are total assholes in this game for no reason, and it causes good people to be untrustworthy. Yeah, it's realistic, but this is a game. A lot of people prefer the bandit skins for a reason like this. It still would be an optional feature depending on if the server host wanted, and I agree it should be turned off for some severs, but there was a reason that the bandit skin was in the game in the first place.

  10. Why make it clear-cut and black & white? As it stands' date=' you don't know if someone is a good guy or a bad guy. That is a good thing. I don't want to be told "shoot here, kill that".


    Because it increases trust between players. It's not black or white either, a bandit skin is black and white, and it's not always true.

    The benefit of visible humanity is that it would be something easily turned off by a server if the host chooses so.

  11. While it would be nice to have humanity displayed (especially when joining a server' date=' to see if its just a bandit wasteland), it should not regenerate without doing good acts, as this would just let bandits idle until they could lure people again once their humanity had refilled.


    That's true, but it's also exploitable by having a buddy to do good acts on. IE, if bandaging a player = a humanity increase, you could shoot your friend and bandage him and repeat. A timer isn't as exploitable, but that's just the best less exploitable way I could think to restore humanity. If humanity can get higher than the default by doing such actions, it's even more exploitable.

  12. I don't know exactly how humanity works, but this is kind of what I think of it: It only goes down if you kill a player with equal or higher humanity than you, or if you kill a player with a certain amount of humanity.

    Let's say that the default humanity is 1000. 1 brand new player kills another brand new player and now has 950 humanity. If he keeps killing players it keeps going down, but if anyone kills him, their humanity either doesn't go down at all, or only goes down a fraction, perhaps.

    If humanity is visible to other players, you will immediately know whos a PKer by their severely low humanity. Humanity should increase over time, perhaps by 50 points every 24 hours or something. That way kills in self defense against a player with high humanity don't ruin someones reputation.

    Think this would work?

  13. Just wondering if they all have to be built and repaired? I would suspect at least some cars would be spawn already good to go like in real life possibly only requiring gas.

    Can anyone confirm if some vehicles do not require fixing. Also in my time playing I haven't seen any accessible. I once saw a huey fly overhead that was about it which is apparently super hard to repair and find supplies for.

    I agree. It's extremely tedious to fix a vehicle, and I don't even know how you actually go about fixing the broken ones you find. I've just found clues like a tire or a gas can. I get that they want vehicles to be an end game item, but they should at least be a little easier to obtain, if only by rarity.
