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Everything posted by ledman

  1. MUST READ! Trades are done at the North East Airfield and are 100% legit. I am protected by a Unmarked amount of people. PM me for server info. If not listed ask I might have! Skype- Ledman40 Steam- LedLIKESTURTLES Up for trade , take any offers. 1 L85A2 AWS - 3 Mags 1 MP5 SD - 5 Mags 3 PDW- 4 PDW MAGS 1 M24- 2 DMR MAGS = 8 Mags 1 PP 19 BIZON SD - 4 Mags 1 FN FAL AN/PVS-4 - 4 MAGS 10 of each Medical Supplies. 2 M4A1 CCO SD - 30 Rounds All 2 Gillies Suits 2 Range Finders 1 Night Vision Goggles 1 Camo clothing 1 MK 48 MOD 0 LMG- 400 rounds And all the tools that go to the tool belt. BEST OFFERS Sold So Far- PP 19 BIZON SD W/ 3 Mags 2 NVG 1 M4A1 CCO 1 Range Finder 2 DMRs 1 M24 LOOKING FOR!!!! PP BIZON M24's #Running Low Handguns w/ ammo LMGS #AnyVeryHArdToComeBy Rocket Launcher or Sactchel Charges MTN DEW CANS M4A1 CCO #Normal and SD Thank you for shopping at Cherno Supermarket
  2. MUST READ! Trades are done at the North East Airfield and are 100% legit. I am protected by a Unmarked amount of people. PM me for server info. If not listed ask I might have! Skype- Ledman40 Steam- LedLIKESTURTLES Up for trade , take any offers. 1 L85A2 AWS - 3 Mags 1 MP5 SD - 5 Mags 3 PDW- 4 PDW MAGS 1 M24- 2 DMR MAGS = 8 Mags 1 PP 19 BIZON SD - 4 Mags 1 FN FAL AN/PVS-4 - 4 MAGS 10 of each Medical Supplies. 2 M4A1 CCO SD - 30 Rounds All 2 Gillies Suits 2 Range Finders 1 Night Vision Goggles 1 Camo clothing 1 MK 48 MOD 0 LMG- 400 rounds And all the tools that go to the tool belt. BEST OFFERS Sold So Far- PP 19 BIZON SD W/ 3 Mags 2 NVG 1 M4A1 CCO 1 Range Finder 2 DMRs 1 M24 LOOKING FOR!!!! PP BIZON M24's #Running Low Handguns w/ ammo LMGS #AnyVeryHArdToComeBy Rocket Launcher or Sactchel Charges MTN DEW CANS M4A1 CCO #Normal and SD Thank you for shopping at Cherno Supermarket
  3. Funny thing is , I didnt glitch my itmes good sir. I looted and fought and played fair just like you! Only i traded with others and have a clan tha thelps and they keep some of the spoils.
  4. ledman

    LF ghillie and other stufff

    AS50 with 5 Mags Ghilie rnagefinder or nvg for Fn/FAL 4 ags
  5. Mk48 Mod 0 for the FN/FAL and a range finger for the ammoo
  6. Im looking a good bandit group and need some blood to spill. Im 16 very mature , im very tatical and not afraid to get up and personal. I dont mind lugging medical supplies , food or anything and Im up for anything. Sadly I just died so I am a little undergear and might need a little help. Skype- Ledman40 Steam- LedLIKESTURTLES
  7. ledman


    Character Name: Branden. Why are you a good team player? I co-operate very well and I believe teamwork is key to being successful in anything in life. How many hours per week do you play? I play everyday at least 4-7 hours DAILY Real Name:Branden What is your favorite weapon? I love the m24 , Im pretty skilled with that. Also the M4A1 CCO is also my go too. How Long Have You Played Dayz: 2 Mounths Roughly What Can YOU Offer The Clan:Im fun to play with , im mature , dont QQ about anything and I do play tacticlly and smart. Are You Prepared sacrifice your items to save squad members:Yes fully , I would hand my rifle over because I know he'd do the same. What is most important to you in Dayz? Surviving , playing to have fun and just have a good time. Dont get me wrong , I love a firefight every so often. Time Zone:Eastern , I live in Michigan Age:16 Additional Comment: I really like the approach the clan has and I also think that DayZ is ment to be played with friends and Im hopeing to make some new ones! I would also like to say thank you for taking your time to look over my application. It means alot even if I dont get picked.
  8. Me and my friend are looking for a few friends to play with , were also looking for a good server to play on also to set up camps and were not afraid to engage other players. we play smart and hit hard. Were 15 and 16 we don't care about age and we play pretty maturally. Also any good servers were up for ideas and any suggestions are very welcomed. Contact Me- Ledman40 =Skype -Branden
  9. We play US , ill add that in right now