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About zeroblame

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    On the Coast
  1. zeroblame

    IF this was an actual game...

    Why are people even contemplating Arma 3 DLC... Quote "IF this was an actual game..." DLC isn't a game! It's 'Downloadable Content' which is basically the same as a MOD! :P Game purchase with Monthly fee? An MMO style would pay for servers, cover costs, and keep the game fresh, and contain quality content. But a PvP and non-PvP option would be needed, unless the PvP was more balanced and thought through properly. Take a lot from EVE Online! Game purchase only? A one time purchase will never lose, and comes with the option of releasing DLC. Plus people prefer to spend less and only have to pay once. PvP and non-PvP multiplayer options too. Along with Single player and LAN maybe. Also a lot to take from Minecraft. Free to play, buy your shit? F2P = NO, NO, and NO! (Free to play - Pay to win = NO WAY!!!!) sorry :/ Result: My choice would be... One-off game purchase with a non-PvP option and DLC possibilities. Community developed or studio developed? If the Day-Z community still only consisted of the real Arma community... I'd say community developed, but sadly it's been riddled with BF3/COD Arcade FPS fanboys (it's not me hating, it's a fact!). This creates a huge divide between the folk that strive the realism do it yourself way, and the players that need their hand held whilst being guided through everything. So I'm on the fence. I'll admit, their not all stupid fanboys and jerks. ;-) Community or studio servers? I'm not fussed so long as studio servers are maintained properly, however... Games tend to stay alive long when in community hands. So I'm on the fence again on this one. Kickstarter? or not? Depends if it's PC only or cross-platform. I'm not certain whether or not those that have just purchased Arma 2 will be willing to spend even more money to back a Day-Z Kickstarter. Though i could be terribly wrong! I wonder what game engine? I have Cryengine 3, and Source Engine in mind but I'm not too educated on this stuff so i don't know if there capable of such a huge task. Other game engines are available obviously, but i can't list them all. ;-) (Licence issues too i guess) These are MY thoughts and opinions (which i myself still question). You are entitled to your own, so let's discuss and not debate! Sorry folks... i tried my best to keep it short... Honest :angel: