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Caught (DayZ)

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About Caught (DayZ)

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  1. My friend can't update to 1.63, I've gone through all this forum stuff for it, I've tried the redgit stuff, delete the beta folder,... Now I had the same problem, and tried to do all kinds of random stuff but in the end it ended up working for me by installing the 1.62 thing from the arma 2 website. I don't know what the exact problem is but when I play epoch it says version 1.63 and for him it says 1.62?... HALP
  2. Caught (DayZ)

    Can't download Dayz Commander mods

    Already had all of that. Can't find an answer anywhere.
  3. Caught (DayZ)

    Can't download Dayz Commander mods

    Any other answers?
  4. Hi, I have the following problem! I can't download any mods from the Dayz Commander. Whenever I press the install button a red triangle with a exclamation mark appears. The screenshot shows what it says when my cursor is on the triangle. Help please! Kind regards Caught
  5. Hello Lately, my friend is having trouble joining any DayZ server. Everytime he joins a server, he gets kicked while loading in with the message: 'BattleEye: Client not responding' He has googeled everywhere and has tried everything and I'd like him to stop bitching, so I thought lets ask for some help here. We haven't found anything that works so far, not on these forums, nowhere. I wonder if anyone knows anything that could work. I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance. -Caught
  6. Caught (DayZ)

    Thank goodness hope is restored

    Cool, would read again.
  7. Caught (DayZ)

    [TRADE] DMR, M16A2 M203

    I have -DMR + 2 DMR mags -M16A2 M203 + STANAG mags + 1 grenade for its attachment Intrested in: -Ghillie -M4 CCO SD -Vehicle shoot me an offer add me: steam: www.steamcommunity.com/id/caught skype: caughty1
  8. Caught (DayZ)

    Looking for SVD Camo

    Seems legit.
  9. my friend just destroyed the car... all guns are gone.. :P
  10. Title says it all I can't deliver alot of mags any of these guns but if its needed i'll get some. I'm looking for: -MA41 CCO SD + mags -MK 48 MOD 0 + mags -M24 + mags -Ghillie suits 1-2 -M9 SD + Mags skype: caughty1 steam: www.steamcommunity.com/id/caught