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Disapproving Elmo

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Everything posted by Disapproving Elmo

  1. Disapproving Elmo

    Women Zombies?

    Okay so as the title say's, why not bring in female zeds into the game? i know this may sound kinda weird to alot of you but think about it, in russia there are women too... i think and hope. Dayz has it's name for a realisitic zombie survival stimulator mod... Women zeds are real right? :D Maybe no children zombies though... that can get kinda weird :S
  2. Disapproving Elmo

    Women Zombies?

  3. Disapproving Elmo

    Did people became bulletproof?

    Hackers with godmode? im not sure. same thing has happend to me before cept i only had a crowbar :S
  4. Disapproving Elmo

    Hackerreport "ACER"

    What did the subtitles say in english? :D
  5. Okay so i was playing on a server with my mate in the latest patch. And we see a overlaping white text appear on our screens saying something along the lines of "Stuck in setup complete screen. Im going to kill all players on all of the servers i join untill this gets fixed." This lasted a long time. I don't know what server or who scripted it... but i suggest that if you see the text to log out and not go back on that server for awhile... Just a warning... He diden't kill anyone after 5 mins of the text showing but me and my mate backed out anyways to be safe... along with most of the players on the server... Hope that Child got what he deserved but if not then this is just a wanring guys :)
  6. Hmmmm i know SOME admins would do things like that... but coulden't he just kick everyone?... seems much easier...