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Disapproving Elmo

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Everything posted by Disapproving Elmo

  1. Disapproving Elmo

    Zombies are too Powerful

    ^^^ lol andzombies should be zombies. like 28 days later type of zombies. They hear something they walk to check it out. they see something moving the b-line strait towards it untill they can not hear or see them anymore. they should attack anaimals imo :)
  2. Disapproving Elmo

    Zombies are too Powerful

    they are underpowerd. chances are you where running around and just got tagged by one by chance, use stealth just as if it is a real zombie outbreak. :)
  3. Disapproving Elmo

    Female DayZ Models...

    ^^^^^ 1 up.
  4. Disapproving Elmo

    Female DayZ Models...

    Dat ass has no limits.
  5. Disapproving Elmo


    sand bags for sand for the cement? :D that could work, of course they will need to be alot more common if building is going to be in the standalone.
  6. Disapproving Elmo

    Just a thought...

    lol... he posts a dating website on a forum which is about a zombie survival game... you think it's a sign? D:
  7. Disapproving Elmo

    Standalone item skins

    i like the little green packets tbh, it's a suprise whats in them :D... makarov mag or a watch... and the g17 mags will be tiny to have it on the ground :/
  8. Disapproving Elmo

    skateboards aaaaand scooters. yeeeew :P

    Whoop scooter... oh crap i hit a plastic non moveable bag in the middle of a road... time for car wheel hunting. ;D
  9. Disapproving Elmo

    your favorite kind of kill?

    The zombie kind.
  10. Disapproving Elmo

    Debug overlaps ear icon

    Go into the ingame options for dayz and change your resolution and/or change your hud scales size :D hope i helped!
  11. Disapproving Elmo

    Best Reaction on DayZ destroys computer

  12. Disapproving Elmo

    let people use blood bags on there own

    It isnext to impossible to give yourself a blood transfusion in real life. Believe me i've tried to put a large needle into my own vein in my arm for a dare from my nurse sister... It's very hard, not even the most experianced doctors can do it to themselves.
  13. Disapproving Elmo

    Funny ways you've died.

    Killed by a nade that bounched of a tree. I threw that nade.
  14. Disapproving Elmo

    Adv Clothing for Women

    There is no bandit clothing :) if your humanaity drops below a certain piont you get the bandit skin. You can't change out of it unless you put a adv set of clothing E.G. Camoclothing. so you will never find bandit clothing on the floor :) does not exist. Also rocket has confirmed that woman will be able to have different types of adv clothing in the standalone in December :)
  15. Disapproving Elmo

    Could I run & Am I allowed?

    You can easily run it :) And yes you are allowed to use the demo only but it's much much harder to get it to work... might as well buy arma 2 :) Makes things much much easier
  16. Disapproving Elmo

    Why are people so mean?

    WELCOME TO DAYZ! -Don't let the Gate break your legs on the way out.
  17. Hmmm i think that the blood drop should have a number inside of it saying E.G.. 7600/12000 showing the blood you have left... takes away at the realism but also does help knowing how much blood you have left... the colour beng lost is still a good idea however :D
  18. Disapproving Elmo

    Puddn Crashes Chopper : Dont Land on Hills! [Video]

    Lol i loved how you guys diden't care to much loosing your chopper... i'd be devestated :D Nice vid man :) Beans given :)
  19. Disapproving Elmo

    Looking for group - casual DayZ. (GMT+1)

    Im 16 and i want to be a hero... i've only killed people who have shot at me first. I have no gear at the moment as i have just died... but i know a good looting run so i can get geard quite quick :) i have ts and a mic and im british so i may have a funny acsent which is a plus... more laughs for you lol...
  20. Disapproving Elmo

    M40A3 Sniper Legit?

    But admins of the server you are on may ban you. Only from that server though... It's totally up to them :) but global ban no.
  21. Hey so i was casualy running around on GB# 500 after being killed by a guy with an AK, i killed him and then i bled out. That was fine, so i tired to spawn near electro to try and get some of my stuff back and maybe some of the guy who i killed stuff. I spawned around 4 mins later due to my slow computer loading screens near Cap Golova which aint to far from electro, so as i begin to run i hear a car engine start so i hit the deck. i see the car go past at a very high speed which made me want to follow and see what he does with it. As i follow the road i see the car crash into a small village i think it was the outskirts on the western side of electro... it blew up a total of 7 times. i also see 2 more cars parked right next to the car that had crashed. and i see a (dead) player outside passed out. so i go and investigate, i checked his body and he had a m4 with holo and a granage launahcer with like 10 mags, and to be funny i decided to drag the guys body whilst screaming down the mic in direct communication "Don't worry ima patch you right up brah!" butt hen he went out of his sleep and i noticed he had a broken leg and was crawling away from me and a party of zombies who decided to show up. i start to get in the way of the zombies and him to try and save him, (to be a nice guy on dayz... rare i know) but then he started to shoot at me with a silenced PDW sidearm which i know is not in the game, so it's a hacked weapon. I dodged the bullets ( like a ninja ;) ) and then got into one of the 2 cars that was there and ran him over in which he died. I did not catch his name as i was to busy having fun in the car mowing down zeds :P once i killed a bunch of them and the rest became bored and wanderd off i went to loot the guy, he had a full large bag filled with jerrycans too.. i then took the rifle and it's ammo plus the PDW and had some shooting practice on near by zombies and then i noticed a crate in the middle of the road which i do not recongize... it was a huge ammo crate with like every single type of gun/item ammo food etc.. in the game! not just in dayz! E.G. mines and G36 with camo i think?... i then dropped the pdw and m4a1 holo tube and picked up a m107 sniper rifle which i've always wanted. ( i know at this piont it was a hacker with hacked weaopons etc ) and it was really fun :P i also picked up a GPS and stuff. i had NO intention of keeping the hacked items for myself as thats just boring as shit right? i then ran into a barn shot some zombies with the rifle and probley mad the whole undead population of electro come after me... After getting some more kills for fun i hear and see a helicopter which could be the legit one per server deal but i had no idea at the time... i thought it was the hacker returning for me as i knew i pissed him off by now lol. i shot 5-6 round at the heli but missed horribly as i really do such with a scoped rifle. I then decided enough is enough and i put down the weaopons plus all of the toolbelt items and even my starting out stuff ( bandage painkillers flashlight) and then left the server. I am not returning to that server. Sorry i have no idea what the guys name or player id is but i do know he was a hacker. GB #500 My ingame name is Elmo i picked up -M4A1 Holo with a under attached nade launcher plus 4 nades for it. -9-10 Stanags -M107 sniper rifle plus 9-10 mags for it -PDW silenced - 4 mags -The largest bag in the game plus 8 jerry cans inside of it. -entrenching tool, compass, GPS ( i think) plus some other things. Im sorry i don't have more info but i still think the ammo crate the hacker used plus the weapons i dropped are stillthere and so id the cars the heli is god knows where but i think it might have been a legit person driving it, not sure. It's in and near the barn on the western side of electro just by the water fountain. I need to stress that i dropped EVERYTHING including the bag and guns. I was going to use the crate for my own good but i decided against it. Im a honest person. hence why i conffessed to being tempted to taking the stuff. Thanks for reading guys :P P.S i know my grammar may be bad at parts but i coulden't give a shit. That's right grammar nazi's. Bitch all you want <3
  22. Disapproving Elmo


  23. Disapproving Elmo

    40 Suggestions to Improve Realism and Immersion

    Holy shit! Nice! this must have taken you a long time to write! I agree with it all and i think these would be get additions for the standalone game :D Rocket should hire you :P