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Everything posted by defterdar

  1. defterdar

    Looking for Danish ppl for squad

    TS var nede, grundet små justeringer i mit VMWare miljø. er kørende igen, endda til den tid, som Drysse lovede (uden han vidste en flyvende huj om hvad der foregik... tsk tsk)
  2. defterdar

    Looking for Danish ppl for squad

    Takker for snakken. Du lyder som en fornuftig fyr, det skulle nok kunne blive til noget. Lad os snakke lidt mere og evt. mødes online, for at se hinanden an. :)
  3. finally. After 3 hours and 22 minute i could begin to see my blood drop (had 265.33 in blood). But seriously... 3½ hour????
  4. Hi i have the exact same problem. i died, got the "you are dead" message. Then i respawned on the same server, but instantly fell to the ground, face down, and with the hourglass. I have been waiting for about 1 and a halv hour, and the hourglass is only about 15-20% down. This is driving me totally crazy! I have tried joining another server, but then the hourglass just resets and i have to start all over. I think this bug is the shittiest bug ever, and it forces me to stay in a server, not being able to play or anything, for HOURS! Isn't there ANYTHING to do about this shit!?!? This shit REALLY, and i mean REEEEAAAAALLLLLLLLLYYYYY!!!!!!!!, needs to be corrected ASAP!