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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I'd like to see the Keltec KSG replace it, and for the record. i'm a gun guy not a MW4 (or witch ever one it's in) guy. I think it would be nice to have 00 buck in one tube and Slugs in the other, could press F to switch from the two and reload them separately. Would be one hell of a show stopper, thought it might have to be a bit rarer then the 1866 Winchester or you can do a generic shotgun Rimington 870, or the Russian MP-133k witch holds magazines instead of a tube
  2. I would like a in game note pad to make it easier to remember things i learn in game. pretty self explanatory if you ask me ;) I haven't attempted to repair a car, but I know there is a lot to it. I also know you loose it if you switch servers.. Witch I think is gay cause it takes a lot of work to get a car, and if server resets or you loose internet you loose your car. I think car keys would be a neat way to keep the car locked and show ownership of Car, thus when you switch servers or w.e the car goes with you yet it stays in the same spot on the map. also someone could hi-jack a car (would take some time to do) witch will take ownership away from the person who built the car, but the thief doesn't get the car keys, so when he leaves. he lost the car.
  3. Getting killed in this game should mimic real life and in life... there is death, but When your avatar dies, you don't.. so any grudges/emotions/information about the server you hold stays with you. Thus it's not truly "death" I might get a lot of heat for suggestion this but.. dying in the game should cause you to be kicked form the server for a little bit. maybe a ridiculously long re-spawn time to give the server time to evolve. Edited: I think this would add more incentive to live also
  4. ever since the new update, I'm not all sure if humanity is still in effect. The # that was in the Debug monitor isn't there, but I still see Bandits. With that being said. I think Humanity should effect the player, for exp The 1st couple of times you murder someone, your body starts to shake, get a little sick for a little while. Through if you do it a lot you will get use to the feeling of killing fellow humans, shaken stops etc. lets do it on a scale of -10 to 10 (10 being starting point with good humanity) you murder your 1st person, drops by 8 points, you shake, get a little ill, and your temp drops a little for a couple minutes, the 2nd time you kill someone, you drop 4 points, now at -2 you still shake and get ill but not as long, you also get bandit skin for being negative. on the 3rd time you drop to -10, and you become comfortably numb(Pink Floyd reference). you don't get effected by murdering anymore Edited: I do not support this anymore- see: http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7036
  5. I saw your post but I had a headache at the time so I didn't read it. I do agree. There should be some kind of "punishment" to make people think twice before aimlessly shooting people.
  6. I think doing that would take a good amount of work. I've played a lot of mods and never seen any clothes, only entire unit skins... Maybe if they added a skin that you could switch out, that add more clothes and could battle the weather more.. but could slow you down at the sometime. it could also take a min to switch skins since you are "changing clothes" so you can't just get seen by a zombie, switch, run away, switch back. adds some risk-reward to the mater. honestley i think this is a good idea :) at 1st i didn't but when i started to polish it out in my head it turned around on me lol
  7. 1) Bolts 2) cans+empty whiskey 3) water Purification 4) Wood increase 1) Main problem with the crossbow is the lack of ammo... bolt flies off in the distance never to be seen again, or you just can't yank it out of a thick skull, what ever the reason bolts are hard to come by .. I think now that there is wood in the game, you could use it to craft wooden bolts, that don't fly as far as steal bolts but still work none the less. 2) Cans and Whiskey bottles can be thrown to aggro the zombies, but it seems like it doesn't really get their attentions, plus it's kinda hard to be accurate with the throwing system Arma gives us. always over throwing or to short. 3) I think it would be cool if water you got out of ponds or wells would have a risk of a infection (not always but it could have it). I think it would be neat if you could use the fire to purify the water or if you really need to get a drink, take the risk. 4) increase the amount of wood in the game or give a way to get wood off trees, in real life you could just chop down a tree. there shouldn't be any difficulty to finding wood in DayZ. spec since 1 and 3 require wood might need a increase to compensate for those if they where implemented. Thanks for your time =) also Dayz is outstanding. good work so far!
  8. Respawns for the zombies are way to fast, You get stuck in a building but the zombies will not stop coming no mater how many you kill.
  9. working on it now =) I must of missed that when i was reading what was added to the mod