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Everything posted by IRONFIST

  1. Aight brahs, I wanted to start playin DayZ again... used to play over the summer and what not - took some time off but now when i goto the DayZ Commander and try to update my DayZ, it gives me this error message.. I have no idea what to do about it lol.. any help would be much appreciated.
  2. Aight brahs, I wanted to start playin DayZ again... used to play over the summer and what not - took some time off but now when i goto the DayZ Commander and try to update my DayZ, it gives me this error message.. I have no idea what to do about it lol.. any help would be much appreciated.

    Massive Lag and FPS drop

    I tried looking all over my PC to find the battleye folder.. but i dont have it?? is it because i bought & downloaded the game from steam? ugh this chit confuses the hell out of me lol

    Low FPS on a high-ish end PC?

    Yeah its the same here... Just built a new PC which runs every new game beautifully.. however this game lol it feels like I'm playing a game from 2002 on a pent2 400mhz comp.
  5. I'm still at that wait for host screen.. first time playing do is it usually take a couple mins to load like this?? (im from usa) donno if that has anything to do with connection time and what not~
  6. haha this provided the lolz
  7. Hey everyone~ buddy told me i needed to check this game out since we're always playing zombie games and chit.. so did some research aka watched youtube vids lol so i decided to give it a go and I'm currently downloading Arma2 as we speak (taking forever lol) But anywho! I'd love to join up with yall and kick some zombie ass!