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About YSL

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  1. I actually just ordered ASUS P8Z77 Deluxe. It should be better than the other one,right? lol.
  2. Alright. Hopefully someone can answer me if my motherboard should need a switch or not , lol.
  3. Thanks. I'm not sure exactly what to compare it with but here is compared vs 560ti , only example I could come up with :/ http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/550?vs=547
  4. Well I actually had a friend give me his RAM lol, he was going to throw it away. Do you think I'll be able to run Day Z on top quality with what I have? Should I consider a new motherboard? Oh and my GPU is AMD 7950.
  5. I've had my old desktop with 1TB for about 3 years now. It's still 840 GB free, I don't download much and only run 1-2 games really.
  6. I'm using i7 3770k, 16 GB of RAM. You talking about my combo, right? *crosses fingers*
  7. I will be using this for gaming ( Day Z ) and school. Here are some parts I already bought, but, I wanted to know if I can switch any of these specific 3 to make my computer last longer or run smoother. Motherboard: Asus P8H77-V - Should I switch this for something better, if so , which one? Hard drive: 2TB Seagate 7200RPM Barracuda - Should I switch this for a Black caviar? Does it affect the speed of anything if I do? PSU: Antec NEO 620W - More PSU or is it enough.
  8. YSL

    HUGE Graphical glitch!

  9. YSL

    HUGE Graphical glitch!

    Thanks for everything deathstrike616! Definitely giving you my beans :beans: I cant fit the GTX 550 TI though on my machine, from what I have researched and I popped it open. Everything is quite small and a card like the 550 TI is very big indeed. If you run onto something that states otherwise, send it my way :D
  10. YSL

    HUGE Graphical glitch!

    I bought the GTX 550 TI but my Lenovo H320, not sure if I can actually fit it in there..anyone know? Very slim computer >.<
  11. YSL

    HUGE Graphical glitch!

    So my processor/RAM is all in check? I'll be probably purchasing something above GTX460 as you said. I hope this does make a difference :P
  12. YSL

    HUGE Graphical glitch!

    Nice! I don't want to run DayZ on Ultra settings but something decent so I don't lag when I run or get huge delays , as I am getting now. Here are my specs I am going to head over and buy a new graphics card, but I need to know which specific one I should be getting, I saw that the 9800 GT is discontinued in my local store. Can you give me a specific link?
  13. YSL

    HUGE Graphical glitch!

    I get that type of glitch on the menu, background images, game itself, etc. Only the menus, as you see, don't glitch.
  14. YSL

    HUGE Graphical glitch!

    No. Can you not try, maybe a recommended graphics card, or something. I meant my graphics card has 1760MB of memory, computer itself on the other hand, has 6GB of RAM.