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About Zoki671

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Zoki671

    Stable Branch - 0.52 Discussion

    Nice, but not a fan of too many towns, it's taking the "lost in the woods in the middle of nowhere and randomly see other people" moments. Best firefights happen in the woods
  2. Zoki671

    Day Z Urban Legends

    They should put slenderman in the forests of Chernarus
  3. Zoki671

    Beta Builds

    You should read more about how Arma 2 and DayZ mod/zombies/loot spawns work. Then you will understand the FPS drops
  4. There won't be any kind of levelling system in, and I'm glad about that.
  5. From my experience, everything depends on your hardware. Some settings if set to low strain the CPU, so putting them higher is actually better, giving some work to GPU. So just take some time, and test some setting combinations. Also, mouse smoothing set to min seems to fix the mouse/turn lag for everyone. Having a good hard drive/ramdisk helps a lot, too. fovTop=1.13; fovLeft=1.8;
  6. Sure you could get infected by every bleed hit from an infected, but the bleed chance should be lower. And you would need a backpack full of antibiotics.... It is more interesting if a zed can give you different kind of "debuffs" other than infectobleed only.
  7. You so silly. There are no pandas in Russia!
  8. Zoki671

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    You can be like, point a gun to your head and scream Stop, shoot and I'll make a hole in this gasmask! Like holding hostage your priceless items
  9. Zoki671

    Instant despawn after kill?

    It's funny how dangerous it is to have camo/ghillie equipped because people will try to kill you thinking they can take it
  10. Zoki671

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I see him. Raketa give me beans, I happy. But Raketa take life after. And beans
  11. I imagine being something like this: Funny but useless
  12. Zoki671

    A new DayZ

    Suddenly the roles of city vs forests would be reverted
  13. Gratz! Also kudos to Black Mesa Source guys, it took them long time but the game is great, can't wait for Xen update.
  14. Zoki671

    Really?? You have no idea how pissed I am

    Oh god that sounds funny as hell