The rough explanation is that players can get sick in the game. Most diseases are spread via agents. Agents are what gets transferred from items to items (by liquid transfer), players to players (by coughing, sneezing) and players to items (by consumption). The player's immunity system, if strong enough, kills the agents, otherwise the agent grows and -reaching a certain threshold- will trigger a disease. Agents on items can be cleaned off with appropriate items (water purification, disinfectant, cooking..) Players can find medical items around the world, which will provide a help in countering the agent infection. But you have to see that the forums here only represent a certain very hard core of all players, and that this system is obviously already way more complicated than many other games out there offer, making it more difficult to grasp for newcomers, and to a certain degree frustrating if even balanced slightly wrong. Namalsk is not the official DLC discussed in this Status Report. There will be more features, more details on that at a later stage. As mentioned in the Status Report, the Survivor GameZ are currently intended as a free Alpha test, while we consider them for an additional game mode. However, there will be a paid DLC at the end of the year (which is not Survivor GameZ, nor Namalsk). Regarding that, we stand by our word that no previously promised features will be hidden behind a paywall.
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