I suggested a long while back = WAY more than a year ago AND 2 years ago AND 3 or 4 years ago, (etc)  that key areas (high loot areas), like mil bases and airports, should be NO-LOG zones. 1 ) - If you log out in a NO-LOG ZONE your avatar stays in place for 3 minutes - that's 180 whole seconds = That's a a REALLY LONG TIME for it to be standing in game vulnerable; in a high risk area .. So if (for instance) you were trapped in a building in a gunfight in a NO-LOG ZONE, you'd stand a much better chance of surviving if you stay in-game to fight it out, or trying to make a break ,or surrendering .. that would be a lot MORE realistic. 2 ) - If you do anyway log out in a NO-LOG ZONE, then when you log in again (after waiting 3 whole minutes for your avatar to leave the last game) you arrive at a random freshspawn point, but keeping all your gear. * A lot of the DayZ fighting takes place around high loot zones. So you'd be in a place where you MUST really go through with the consequences, and can't log out and hope your avatar will leave the game before the opponent realizes you are 'really gone' and comes in to get it  .. that would be Fine and make better Gameplay. Three minutes is a LONG time, in those situations.
People complain it's TOO LONG waiting to switch servers.. so this "serious" time delay would only be for the NO-LOG ZONES.  and most players know exactly where those key high loot places are, AND what they are getting into .. Setting perimeter zones is not a =BIG= programming problem in DayZ - a player could have a red light (now that we use HUDs) to tell him he was inside a ZONE. * I wanted - I proposed -  to have some TOTAL no-log zones (if you can't log out there, obviously you cant log back in there) where IF you logged out you died - so ANY contact in a high-risk high-loot area would be totally REAL and to-the-finish.. you escape or you die..  But many people complained that the server might drop them (not their fault) - that their mom might tell them to "stop playing Now" (not their fault), that server owners might misuse their power (eg, turn the server off to kill people in the Zone), that they could get stuck in a wall or glitch,  (and a few other objections)  - And that it would be easy & fast for hoppers to run out of the ZONE, hop, and then run back in (I don't agree about that last one - if they did that they'd be entering the zone the same way everyone does)  & etc, etc ..  so there were a few hundred threads of discussion and 10000 comments.. for years. So  - eventually a 'short delay' was introduced by BI when a player changes servers quickly, anywhere on the map.. (I don't remember how many seconds it is, it's just a pause with a countdown..anyone remember how long?) -  Also your avatar stays on the map after you log out for X seconds.. OK - so it's good to find a quiet place to log out.  ALSO it stops players in firefights from switching servers, moving behind their opponent, and switching back in .. But it's not a "long" delay and so it does NOT discourage server hoppers. Hopping is BY FAR the quickest easiest way of getting from one high loot area to the next (ie the same high loot area) - on the next server, and then the next server after that .. I say "3 Minutes" because most everyone ranted and howled that waiting "4 minutes" to log back in was just totally unplayable and unacceptable  - even if it only happened under special circumstances = because they MADE it happen - and a player could avoid that "punishment" just by getting OUT of the NO LOG ZONE.  Hell, even if the server goes down, or you get kicked, you spawn with all your gear somewhere else.. (but the answer to 240 seconds was NO.. too long) * Hmm.. haven't mentioned this subject for about a  =CENTURY=.   It's been argued through (different ideas) for years. PC players found their own solutions, eg like playing on private hives, or they just got used to it, or changed their play-style, or found ways to deal with it (waiting for hoppers and sniping them?) .. whatever.. It's a thing about DayZ that is part of DayZ ..ya know?  The subject doesn't get any airtime & players give it no thought anymore. xxP