I really enjoyed Day Z when it first released, despite it's problems. Gearing up and patrolling the coasts was a blast. I still have fond memories of my many PvP encounters. But the game has changed over the years into not only something I enjoy less, but something I literally can't enjoy. Persistence killed Day Z for me, which was a surprise because I thought the idea was great at first. But it has been implemented poorly. Chenarus is too big for the current population Day Z servers are capable of supporting, which is why people tend towards the coasts. But the developers have deliberately implemented spawning mechanisms that put weapons as far away from players as possible, with the intention of encouraging players to explore the rest of the map. But again, Chenarus is too big with the current supported population. It doesn't help that spawning is glitched and many copies of the same loot will spawn in one place, instead of distributing correctly across the map. And to make matters even worse than that, weapons that are in players possession, either on their character, or stashed in containers, don't spawn! The end result of all this is that we are forced to tread enormous distances, as far apart from one another as possible, finding almost nothing. Much of the loot, and even the vehicles designed to facilitate player travel, get horded and hidden away from the rest of us, unused. Wouldn't it be better, and more fun for everyone, to err on the side of too much, instead of too little? There is just never enough loot to go around.
The final nail in the coffin for me is that developers have made it so that player's loot gets destroyed if you shoot them. This left me with no incentive left to play. Getting geared is extremely time consuming and boring now, and risking it to kill another player isn't worth it. I know this change, and the previous changes I mentioned, were all made to limit kos killing, and encourage players to role-play and "survive," instead of just kill everyone. The only problem with this philosophy is that the developers have provided little, if anything, for us to survive from, aside from each other. I know wolves are coming, but if they are as scarce as the zombies are, and I bet they will be, they might as well not be there. The game right now is literally a barren waste. Things used to be happening in Day Z. Player encounters were frequent and exciting. The game was louder. More shots and explosions rang out in the distance. Most player encounters come in two varieties nowadays. Either two players encounter one another, exchange greetings, but then shortly after farewells, because there nothing to do together, and nothing to gain from killing one another; or one player scouting out a military camp sees the other first. These are the only encounters there are left to have. Ironically, the game is a tad more kos now then it ever was.
In my opinion, we shouldn't be forced to play the game the way it's supposed to be played when the game isn't what it's supposed to be yet. These changes have been half baked. They have had a huge impact on the way people like me play the game. I am not your die hard survivor from the Day Z mod days. I am just a guy coming to the game expecting to get something out of it, without pretending and imagining most of it myself. At the moment, it's hard for a player like me to have fun, and that's a problem. It's a problem for the community, and it's a problem for the development of Day Z as a whole. I am not having fun, and that's just me being purely honest. I desperately want to enjoy Day Z again, but the games current state is unenjoyable, without an enormous effort put forth on my part to make most of the experience up myself. I don't have an aversion to role-playing. I enjoy it, given an environment in which it can flow naturally, but Day Z has not provided that environment. I am not presently satisfied with Day Z's current state or direction. I care about the game, and I hope some of my concerns are addressed, which is why I post at all. Thank you.