just set the   count_in_cargo="1" count_in_hoarder="1" count_in_player="1" to zeros, so they will spawn even if someone has them stashed(cargo), in inventory(player) etc

dont set the count_in_map="1" to zero or you will have fals everywhere where is the place for military tier 4 loot + dont forget that tier 4 means just the helicrashes and  tisy + troitskoie military bases( if they didnt changed the tier areas from the last update)   and DELOOT=1 means that the limit of four fals per server applies even to dynamic events(DELOOT- Dynamic Event Loot) like helicrashes, so if there are already 4 fals spawned on the map it cant spawn fifth one (if your max is 4) as a helicrash loot     oh and btw SVD has exactly same spawn config, only thing is that min is set to 2 instead of 1 like fal has
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