UPDATE #1 01/30/2020: After some testing of the 1.07 update that went online today, I can say that the night is very dark now. The "Cleint Side Personal Night Light" is at this point almost non-existent [estimated range about ~1m]. You cannot see the other end of a room without a light source, which is critical to hiding at night. Great job by the devs in this regard, virtually rolling back the change and adjusting the lighting configuration to be even sharper, instead of fully catering to a more casual and clueless group of players. There is still the option to have a "bright night" as you can see, which I have not personally looked at, but I'm sure will please those who want to enjoy a nighttime setting without the "hardcoreness" that comes with it naturally.   Hello everybody, Dear Devs,   Love you continuing the underpromies/overdeliver approach, fantastic patch so far!! What bums me out is the newly added "personal night light", in case you guys missed it, here is a quote from the patch notes: Of course I get where this is coming from. You don't want people, especially new players become completely disoriented, but DayZ always was and is today meant to be a hardcore survival game and players spawn with a torch, which I believe lasts around 15-20 minutes. This should be enough. Also, as @Derleth and others have confirmed, the moonlight isn't functional or perhaps even existent at the moment. Since the "Personal Night Light" has in no way be labeled as "placeholder", I'm going to take it at face value.   Now here is my problem with this new artificial personal light and that is that every building you enter now shimmers in this blue light and you can see everything that's inside, which makes flashlights basically obsolete to be used for looting purposes. I think we can all agree that it is always exciting when you enter a town in the night and you see some building in the distance where a flashlight is shining through the windows, showing you that there is someone there and you can try and sneak up on them. As for sneaking you used to be able to hide in bushes and people would walk right by you as they could just not see you unless they used a light source. They now fixed the breath being completely visible at night time which could give your position away: But that doesn't have much impact now unfortunately. This is a casualization that hurts night time gameplay and the lighting design that was put a lot of effort into. I hope you can see my points and here are some screenshots to underline those: EDIT: Perhaps a compromise would be to disable it at least for when you are inside Structures. But that would still leave the problem of sneaking up on people. In the following clip you can see how trees and bushes appear to be glowing, provided by @Derleth:
    • Beans
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