I think Ive found the solution to glitched mags - it might not work 100% but it did just work for me. I had a 4-Five pistol in my bag with no magazine, and I finally found a single mag for it. When I picked up the magazine, it automatically put it into the pistol. When I put the pistol in my hands, it was "glitched" with the "0(+14)" ammo count and I couldnt reload it, or get the mag out and shooting it just dry fired. So I tried this. 1. Take the gun and drop it to the ground. (Hold Y) 2. From the vicinity, go to the magazine and hold A to put the magazine in your hands 3. Take the empty pistol and send to your inventory. 4. Drop the magazine to the ground (hold Y) 5. Put the empty pistol in hands. 6. Go to vicinity and tap B to combine. I *think* this might be a workaround to glitched mags, and I think that maybe whats causing the problem is that either when you have a gun in your inventory and pick up your first mag its auto-adding it to the weapon causing the glitch or its doing it because you dont have enough inventory space to fit both items in seperately. Im not 100% on this but its worth a try! Let me know if it solves the problem or not!