Hello all, I'll remember you all of a concept that has been suggested before, adding it to the context of our actual 0.63 state of updates. This is the effect I expect from the unconscious state of DayZ: Now, that you saw how gruesome this effect looks and feels, you know how impacting it is. So let me expand it, using the health systems we saw at 0.63 and how this shock/unconscious effect should come into play in a smooth and neat manner. Check this image from Status Report of 27th February, displaying to us the hit-boxes of body parts that the new player model actually have.   As you can see, we have Spine, Lungs, Liver, Heart and Brain. We also have the actual Health system which is basically tied to - Health Percentage & the amount of blood your character have. Finally, with all of this in mind, my suggestion and also my expectation is: Whenever you lethally wound someone. If the damage wasn't done to the Heart or to the Brain, and was enough to drop Health Percentage to 0%, Make it so the character goes into that shock/unconscious state by forcing him into first person view mode only and adding that gruesome effect + sounds then, let him die slowly and painfully by the wound blood loss which should have drain rate as fast as 30 seconds or 1 minute after the limb gets shot. If the damage was done to the Heart or to the Brain tho, it should keep the cold and solid blackout while popping the iconic "you are dead" message, just as it is when we die now.  This would be insane if you went down by infected attacks too since the damage infected do are done to either Health Percentage AND the amount of blood, imagine you going down and while seeing the infected screaming and destroying you while your character is struggling in pain and slowly dying... What a sight, what an experience! Enough of the "dying" moments, use your imagination now, how intense would it be to be saved in such a situation? The immersion and experience would sky rocket, you are there, seeing red all over your screen, struggling to see something because the screen keeps fading, the character out of breath and in heavy pain, infected all around you, every sound has a faint echo to it, then you start hearing gun-shots and all the infected just dropping dead around you, then you hear some Russian guy with a crappy mic talking to you with the echo effects of your state "Comrade I help, get up, lets go!" He then CPR, feed you some food, and then, you are back up and set to go seeing everything faded and black and white. Hell! You just had one of the most immersive situations a game could bring in an online multiplayer environment! Congratulations! This is not the only situation... After this, people would be way more capable of deciding wether they want to straight up execute the victim, or interact with them by saving them and doing whatever they decide to do. You can see this system reproduced in many modern games. From Rust, to PUBG, to Post Scriptum(Head shot to finish someone, body shot to just drop them, enabling them to be revived by someone else). Every single one of you reading this, are probably familiar with it, but I firmly believe that none of them is able to reproduce this system in the strong, intense and gruesome manner that DayZ probably is capable of delivering with Enfusion Engine and 0.63 now. So please devs, make my dreams come true. I want this experience in DayZ.