There is actually a substantial difference. The rate of food and thirst decrease is very high when you are sprinting. It is not a direct trade off. It doesn't balance out like that. This is from my experience, but also the red arrow that appears when sprinting seems to suggest this as well. What I am referring to are the single, double, and triple arrows that appear on your food and thirst icons. The third arrow is red, indicating critical loss. It is always red when you sprint. Jogging is much preferred if you don't have many supplies. You will run yourself to death. I did it several times in the stress test. Once you start limping from lack of nutrition, you aren't going to survive if you don't have supplies on you or nearby. You will get progressively slower and then just go black. It doesn't take long. But if you don't sprint, you can get much farther. Also, if you stop moving completely your food and thirst decay slows to a crawl.
    • Beans