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Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

Barbed Wire  

  1. 1. Should we remove barbed wire?

    • Yes
    • No

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Yes, please remove - it is overly abused by griefers and trolls. (I have seen one instance where it was used properly...)

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No - keep it. You could possibly balance things out a bit by reducing the number of barbed wire spawns along the coast though. Make it so you can't just litter Cherno and Elektro with it just because you're a jackass.

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No. I've been steadily working to the point where I could wire off my own private base. Not looking to wire off a spawn point, but someplace that is otherwise useless to other players. Of course, I say this not having experienced the bugs that everyone is talking about.

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YES! My server got scripted now there is barb wire at every door in the whole game and it resets after every restart so annoying :@

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Do not remove it. Please fix it. Add bleeding change instead of broken limb, and maybe allow it to block or at least injure zombies.

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Fix dead soldiers too, I don't mind barbed wire too much but it should be added back later if removed, if they fix the spamming and reduce spawn rate.

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Just remove the damn thing already :)

It is just used mainly to grief fresh spawned players trying to get into buildings...

That and most servers restart ever 6 hours means it just comes back again to annoy people.

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Remove temporarily until we can resolve annoyances with it. I see almost zero use aside from trolls pissing off other players with it.

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They can be very mad when there is barbed wire in a really good loot spawn however when building a base they can be very useful. For now they should stay but possibly lower the spawn rate!

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NO, do not remove it. Just make it so players are able to get it over it.

Edited by Cvm

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