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{N3RD2} HazardousJJ

Question about vehicle saving

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The first and only time I ever had a vehicle (about two weeks ago) happened to disappear the next day... Now, there was a bus that also disappeared which was flipped onto its side BUT both were saved before leaving. (I have the

to prove it....not the saving though, just the bus flipping)

So my question is..... HOW does vehicle saving work? Does the vehicle last until the server restarts or does it leave at a certain time... I would like to know before I waste my time searching for one and reapiring it.

Helpful posts may just get beans...

Edited by HazardousJJ

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If you are playing on a server with the version, I wouldn't bother getting a vehicle. This version is currently having severe issues with saving vehicles as well as tents.

It could also be attributed to the servers Instance ID being too high. But this is something for the Admin to deal with.

To answer your question...vehicles are permanent until destroyed. Once destroyed they 'reset' and spawn over a random duration of about a week. They could respawn the next day or week away.

Vehicles that have flipped or fallen on their sides will be set right side up at the next restart. Also, vehicles will return to their last save point after a restart. So, it's very important to save them often.

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vehicles are not saving right with the current patch.. We are awaiting if it iwll be fixed in next update. The last patch was rolled out 1 week ago today.

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If you are playing on a server with the version, I wouldn't bother getting a vehicle. This version is currently having severe issues with saving vehicles as well as tents.

It could also be attributed to the servers Instance ID being too high. But this is something for the Admin to deal with.

To answer your question...vehicles are permanent until destroyed. Once destroyed they 'reset' and spawn over a random duration of about a week. They could respawn the next day or week away.

Vehicles that have flipped or fallen on their sides will be set right side up at the next restart. Also, vehicles will return to their last save point after a restart. So, it's very important to save them often.

Thank you, I finally have this question answered.

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