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omgwtfbbq (DayZ)

Can we dance if we want to?

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Can we leave our friends behind?

Because my friends don't dance and if they don't dance,

Well they're no friends of mine.

back on topic, i have recently seen some videos of people on arma 2 that can dance. like, a dancing animation in the game. i know it's some scripting thing, but i was wondering: is it okay if i do this? because it's hilarious and i want to show my friends (imagine us all sitting around a campfire cooking meat, eating, drinking, patching up, etc, and one of us starts to dance xD)

so can i do this? or is this cheating in everyone's eyes?

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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Only in BattleEye's eyes.

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Only in BattleEye's eyes.

:( but wait, doesn't battleeye suck at catching cheaters scripters anyway?

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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Do what you want, but just remember battleye doesn't distinguish shades of grey when it globally bans scripters

Edited by malphos101

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If it were possible to dance, I'd set up a rave party with chemlights and painkillers at Devil's castle.

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:( but wait, doesn't battleeye suck at catching cheaters scripters anyway?

No, it just saves names and they ban them when someone gets around to it.

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No, it just saves names and they ban them when someone gets around to it.

any suggestions on how to get around that? or would that give everyone the secret to hack and get away with it?

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its OK to play animations in the Editor, but to play it in DayZ you'll probably get banned...

they Dance in DayZ or Arma?

Edited by DooM4MR

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its OK to play animations in the Editor, but to play it in DayZ you'll probably get banned...

they Dance in DayZ or Arma?


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OMG heeelarious LOLZ

Seriously, dude? That's what you consider funny? How old are you?

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OMG heeelarious LOLZ

Seriously, dude? That's what you consider funny? How old are you?

Okay, Mr. Anti-funDickhead. Nothing is funny. Nothing can ever be funny. People can't think different things are funny. Never.

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Go ahead and do it and get banned. One less stupid person on DayZ. :facepalm:

Please notice that i'm asking if it's okay to do it rather than just doing it. I am not retarded. Hackers, on the other hand...

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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Dont know why ppl consider this as stupid. It would be awesome to dance around in DayZ.

they cant handle their own problems and feelings, thats why - so they have 2 shit around the internet..

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Funny or not, I don't see how could anybody possibly think it would be ok to "do the scripting thing". Makes me wonder how many of the legit banned users really are legit.

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I've always been a bit ...meh ... about dance emotes in games. The comedy value is somewhat blown by the whole immersion-busting thing.

But, fuck me, the dancing vids are so funny I'd really like to see it brought into DayZ, even though it's pretty much against the whole dark and brutal spirit of the game.

Naysayers should really go watch them before going all out against them. It's comedy gold.

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You require some scripting, which is only possible in singleplayer, taking your scripts with you online even if it's just dancing, is considered hacking because other scripts not matching the mission's is already bypassing BattleEye

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I've tried binding it to a hotkey, but it looks like you'll have to use a script.

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Go ahead and do it and get banned. One less stupid person on DayZ. :facepalm:

Were your nuts recently chopped off and lost all fun in life or are you having a bad day?

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Dancing is a punishable offence. I got banned from school for two months because of it!

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