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I was running through a forest, stopping every so often to look at far away villages or plot where I am going to go next when I had the idea of overheating, something that in-game would happen when you have ran for long distances for a very long time. If your temperature gets too high the effects could be: heavy breathing (Noticeable by other players), faster dehydration, slower movement speed or passing out in the worst cases.

Ways to fix overheating could be: drinking, (I don't know if its just me but I seem to find ALOT of pop more than food) standing still to catch your breath or taking a dip in some water.

Just a random idea I'd like to know how you all think about this. :]

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To hijack your suggestion, I agree with the idea that running for long periods of time would cause exhaustion. Forcing players to either confront their zombie chasers or lose them within a certain time frame.


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