Howdy Boys, i am so frustrated about Official Servers that i am leaving them now. Any other Player who came here just to check if the issue he experienced ingame are Monitored to the Dev or just whant to know if other Player suffer too, let me tell you JUST LEAVE official servers. I am sure many Gameserver Hosters who pay 40 to 50 Bucks should think about it, that they at this Moment pay for Hackers who has fun ruining this Game and the Time for other People.  Just to make it clear for who ever read this; I ran hours of hours ingame, sometimes with many luck id survive the first 30 Minutes, then i managed it to get a decent good equipment. That tooks boring 1-2 hours of running and running... i repaired my Base Fence TWO TIMEs a DAY and it took me sometimes hours of searching for NAILS. All this work just to get killed without any noise or visual sign from what i got killed, in the middle of NOWHERE. Than only to take the same work again... coming to my Base after hours running just to see my Base again OPENED. Here in the Forum are some Topics who point at the same issue like i had.  I am 99% sure Dayz suffer again an Cheater Epedemi....