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Server Shutdown

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Hello Guys 

Im currently running a DayZ Server on my Windows Server 2016. I tried to shut down the server by using BEC. Sadly it cant kill the task. 

Even the Taskkill command taskkill /im DayZServer_x64.exe does not work. I have to use the /f command to kill the task.

Does anyone have any advice what to do?


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6 hours ago, lsutkeais said:


Hello Guys 

Im currently running a DayZ Server on my Windows Server 2016. I tried to shut down the server by using BEC. Sadly it cant kill the task. 

Even the Taskkill command taskkill /im DayZServer_x64.exe does not work. I have to use the /f command to kill the task.

Does anyone have any advice what to do?


Yeah, you definitely don't want to be forcing it to end as that will mess with your persistence and potentially wipe some of the things you've placed in the world like bases, cars, etc.

Have you checked the logs in both DayZ and the Windows Server logs as well?  Right after you issue the normal taskkill command, is anything being logged about what the server is doing at that moment?  When I was a running a server, it would sometimes take 6 to 15 seconds for the shutdown process to complete before the exe itself would disappear as a running process.  Are you by chance just not waiting long enough for it to finish?

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Try using OmegaManager to manage you server.  It will shut down everything gracefully. 

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Thanks for your help. I completly reinstalled everything. Now it works. 

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Ive noticed closing off the console using the x doesnt shutdown the server and process just hangs,.. ive always used /f command and had no dramas with persistence. I think devs should correct that action of hitting x on the console window should gracefully shut down the server.


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Best option to use task manager and #shutdown.

1-st: #shutdown  (by BEC or other software)

and after that (after 1 - 2 minutes call 2-nd command)

2-nd: taskkill /f /im dayz_server_x64.exe


Why??? 'Cause BE command make a point to server that it must close sockets and make append to Database (with closing transactions). That's why server is hanging in memory. And then taskkill will close all descriptors of process and "terminate" from memory.

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