The Sanctuary 1PP HC |+Zeds|NoTraders|BetterLoot|Map|
Server launched 6/30! This server was started by a couple DayZMod veterans that have always been disappointed playing on other servers that were always lacking so much, so we started our own. We have been running servers on multiple mods since ArmA2. Key Features:  - Zombies are now a problem. You will have to adjust your play style on our server. - Custom zombie spawn locations, spawn system and parameters. - Custom loot on zombies. - Loot has been overhauled and carefully balanced and selected. Unlike most servers we tediously test and balance every single modded item.  - Weapons have a chance to spawn with random attachments.  - Higher vehicle count and additional spawns. They also spawn with necessary fluids in the cargo.  - Coastal spawns only, like in DayZ Mod (tweaked from vanilla) - Dead player bodies persist for 20 minutes! - 4 hours of day and 30 minute full moon nights. - New locations and enhancements to the map. Balota, NEAF have been overhauled and new various areas. Even a new island. - Tons of new craftable items including makeshift shelters. - Side Chat - Map - NO TRADER! Trader mod makes servers unstable and doesn't fit the intended hardcore playstyle. If you want to play easy-mode barbie dress up, go somewhere else! - Tons more features and tweaks! Be sure to use the server info panel in-game by pressing the Pause|Break key (next to scroll lock)
Please connect to the server by using DZSALauncher and filtering for "The Sanctuary"
