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sr matrix

Dayz Server + Battleye Extended Controls (BEC)

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in my server panel (BEC) is working, how to make the reboot messages appear online


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7 hours ago, sr matrix said:

in my server panel (BEC) is working, how to make the reboot messages appear online



Hey there. You made a mistake.

1st let me see your's "Scheduler.xml"
2nd let me understand how you want to make this messages (shown by specific time for example at 6 pm by your server time or each 6 hours since server was started).


But I'll give you few ideas how to make a messages.

  1. All records in "Scheduler.xml" must have unique Job ID.
  2. 1-st Job must be a "loadbans" function

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<job id="1">



3.If you want use real server time then you must set up in this way:


<job id="2">
	<cmd>say -1 30 minutes untill restart of the server.</cmd>



<time> -> Real server time in 24 hrs format. (hh:mm:ss)
<delay> -> don't care
<day> -> day of week (if set from 1 to 7 = every day)
<loop> -> is message must be looped.
<cmd> -> Command for execute
<cmdtype> -> Level of command.

I hope that you everything understand in my message.
I'm sorry for my bad English.


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1 hour ago, sr matrix said:

yes the config Scheduler.xml it work and restart the server in hours defined, the messages no appear inside for the server in play



Try reenable HUD by holding ~ key. If your HUD is off you not get any message from server even from Battleye. But I guess ads about maintenance you will see )

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A better alternative is to use OmegaManager to create and manage your server and then you can get messages in that. Google and you'll find a link.

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