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Question about tents?

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About 6 of us logged on after getting a message from one saying he found a car tent with about 30 rifles in it. It took roughly an hour and a half to link up. But as we were making our way to him he had said he hear just single shots coming from where the tent was. After that we went in search of the tent. But could not find it  

My question which I posed at the time was if a random player found the tent took what he wanted then just shot and ruined the tent just before the server restart, does the tent despawn with everything in it because its ruined?


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Probably - cars and clothing that are ruined seems to despawn (with everything in them) in about 5-10 minutes.

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Or he dropped everything on the floor including the tent. I don't think you can damage a tent that's unpacked with stuff in it. I know you can ruin bags, containers, etc with stuff in it. Not to sure about tents tho. Most likely, they dropped everything and kept it moving.

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