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zombies no longer spawn

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we are running a modded server and we have added scripts and customised some of the core script files, one of our moderaters added a script somewhere that turned off zombies, which of the scripts in game would that most likely to be because i checked all the mods and its not down to any of these

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On 4/16/2019 at 6:39 PM, alphagamer1981 said:

we are running a modded server and we have added scripts and customised some of the core script files, one of our moderaters added a script somewhere that turned off zombies, which of the scripts in game would that most likely to be because i checked all the mods and its not down to any of these

You can look at this file economy.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <dynamic init="1" load="0" respawn="1" save="0"/>
    <animals init="1" load="0" respawn="1" save="0"/>
    <zombies init="1" load="0" respawn="1" save="0"/>           <----------- 
    <vehicles init="1" load="0" respawn="1" save="0"/>
    <randoms init="0" load="0" respawn="1" save="0"/>
    <custom init="0" load="0" respawn="0" save="0"/>
    <building init="0" load="0" respawn="0" save="0"/>
    <player init="1" load="0" respawn="0" save="0"/>

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If you adjusted the CFG for event spawn then you probably did something wrong. Every time I load a mod if it fails, or I messed up a file, then my zombies stop spawning. MOST of the time it's because I screwed up my CFGeventspawns or something inside of it, so I would start there.

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