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Jason Vandeberg

Lone Wolf loving DayZ

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Some say in DayZ that it is a hard life for a lone wolf. I bought the game while in "game preview" on the xbox one and fell into it pretty quick. I used to play with a buddy, but he got bored of it....so I decided to rough it out alone and I loved it. Sure, I had to completely adjust the way I played, but I have no complaints. I seem to have had more..."pleasant" encounters with other players, and it's probably because I come across them in the wilderness as I tend to stay out of the cities unless I really need something. 

One thing I have noticed is that I never have come in contact with another lone wolf. I know I am not the only one out there, and maybe I have and they use the "oh, I got friends" routine to throw me off even though I am friendly, unless provoked. 

So if anyone is new to the game and think that lone wolfing it is not possible, it is. You just have to adjust the way you play and understand that YOU WILL DIE and lose your gear, just like anyone else in DayZ. But starting as a lone wolf and learning, the fact of dying and losing your gear will be a constant until you figure out how to survive just a little longer each time you respawn. 

A few things I have learned as a lone wolf...

1. Do not horde. Two weapons is plenty. A couple of mags is also plenty. You're going to die eventually, no need to be weighed down.

2. Do not go into the cities during day light unless it is absolutely necessary. Loot cities at night if you need to.

3. Trust no one. But no reason to be hostile towards every player you see. I once came across a group of 4 players twice on the same server a few days apart and they remembered me and traded items. Hostility with groups becomes a killer in this game, trading can save your life.

4. Pay attention to your surroundings. No one is watching your six and no one has your back. Always keep your head on a swivel when re-filling that water bottle or canteen...

Lastly...5. Always, always take your time scoping out an area before proceeding. Staying in a tree line for 5 extra minutes to get a lay out and checking for other players can be the difference of living and dying. But don't over-do it either. I learned that the hard way...

Any other tips from the more experienced players? I am not experienced by any means, and I am still learning as well. 

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Im the same. Lone wolfing from game preview with the mates joining in occasionally. I try my best to be friendly but have been gunned down on countless occasion. My approach now if in the open and I see the guy sighting me is to go full rambo on him. Tape him revive him and make the introductions. I feel bad but the communication long distance is hard. Looking forward to no kill zone like the pc version. Somewhere to meet up with other people without having to watch your back. What sever are you mainly in. May meet up sometime. 

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I got back into DayZ again recently, and I have definitely had similar experiences, as I have been mostly lone wolf. 

Honestly, a large majority of people I have met so far have actually been friendly to me, and although that could just be a fluke as I haven't played that much yet, here is what I do that I think attributes to that:

- I avoid people as much as I can in the first place. This is probably obvious.

- I dress in a way that I look friendly. For the most part I just don't dress super military.

- I don't walk around with my weapon out.

- If you meet someone and use your mic, try to exchange names. Usually helps you get a bit more friendly with the other person and I think reduces the chances they'll betray you. 

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