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Brock J.

Task Force Z Recruitment

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Task Force Z is a casual but Tactical Milsim unit. Ingame we are a joint unit comprising of US Marine Corps Company and an Australian Army Expeditionary Force at again, Company level. that while officially operating express Tactical Discipline and Mature Behavior that is commonly seen in Arma. However, a casual mindset is to be followed when looting or when playing other games.

What do we offer? A fun DayZ group of friends that hail from American and Australia, that offer a basic but structured ranking system with Milsim grade missions and tactics against other groups in action-filled PvP Ops.


#1 must be 17 years old, though exceptions can be made.
#2 while humorous and fun behavior is encouraged, common sense and Mature attitude is a must.
#3 to be on time for Training Sessions and Ops against other Groups

We hope us as your new DayZ home and Hope to become your new Comrades against the Freaks and Rival Militias and Gangs.

Maj. B.J. Davies


Edited by Brock J.

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Hello Maj. B.J. Davies

Is there room in this group for EX-UK Armed forces.

Currently working in the middle east, Capable and willing to get it done from Thursdays @3pm GMT to Saturday @2300 GMT. (GMT is -3 hrs on my time)

The work keeps me off line until I can reach civilization at the weekends.



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