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Base Building and Hacker Raidings

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[TL:DR] Can hackers teleport to tents easily?

Hi all,

This is my first post on the DayZ forums, and I have absolutely no clue if this is in the right spot, but the forum layout confused me, so here it is.

After the recent 1.0 update, I've started playing DayZ again and have decided to convince a friend to play with me as well. We play on a very low-pop official experimental server, because my main interests are base building and car fixing.

My friend and I over the past two weeks have built up a good amount of gear, and found a military tent that we (foolishly?) decided would be a good foundation for our new base. Problems have arisen, though. I had a moment of great disappointment and anger when I logged on to find that our tent had been raided, with all of the loot that could be considered "good" having been taken. Our base is build on a FAR border of the map, in a location that nobody would have any reason to check. None of our caches have been touched, but all of our good ammo and loot is gone. 

So, my question is this- Is it possible for cheating players to simply teleport to any placed tents, loot them, and leave? As we haven't built another car since our last got stuck outside the map, we don't otherwise have a decent place to store loot, unless we decide to crawl across the map with barrels in hand.

I'm really having trouble finding information for this game that was written within the last two years, so any help or advice would be much appreciated here. I would really like to continue playing DayZ but if I have to work this hard for loot that is going to be teleported to and stolen, it's not going to be worth the time or effort that it takes.

Apologies for the wall of text, and thanks for reading.

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I had a server back in the mod days on panthera and if we had a suspected hacked I would check logs and ban said hacker if I could prove it through logs, not only that but I would give it character their gear back if they lost it by dying from walking up stairs or whatever, either way get in touch with admin of ur server they should help you mate if not find a server with friendly admins  you will find a server you can call home, I’ve played servers where admins are like strangers and played servers where admins are there to help, find the latter and your set for life, good luck friend and hope ur bad experience doesn’t put you off, dayz is a great game with the right ppl around you

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14 minutes ago, SmokeyFTM said:

find a server with friendly admins  you will find a server you can call home, I’ve played servers where admins are like strangers and played servers where admins are there to help, find the latter and your set for life, good luck friend and hope ur bad experience doesn’t put you off, dayz is a great game with the right ppl around you

Yeah, hopefully I'll be able to find something like that. Getting items stolen wasn't the worst part about it, honestly for me the part that hit the hardest was the fact that a day or two ago I spent around an hour and a half sorting and moving around all of our loot, which maxed our tent out at 400/400. Now it's only at 317/400 and I can't help but feel cruddy about losing that much of a day for nothing. Anyway, thanks for the kind words!

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6 minutes ago, milestr11 said:

Yeah, hopefully I'll be able to find something like that. Getting items stolen wasn't the worst part about it, honestly for me the part that hit the hardest was the fact that a day or two ago I spent around an hour and a half sorting and moving around all of our loot, which maxed our tent out at 400/400. Now it's only at 317/400 and I can't help but feel cruddy about losing that much of a day for nothing. Anyway, thanks for the kind words!

No worries, when I was admin on the panthera server we were talking with players constantly, we even restarted server and gave players the gear they preferred to start with, we had days where we started with nothing but with panthera we had 4 airfields we all used to fight over so it was a challenge and a good laugh, hope you find a server that suits you and ur mates it’s a great game when you have a decent community around you

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It's unlikely there are hacks allowing "teleportation" as I would like to think the server would disagree with that. But I wouldn't be surprised if there are "ESP" hacks out there, allowing players to get a heads-up display of nearby (or distant?) entities, such as tents.

I have heard of players just running along the boarder of the map as this is where MANY people tend to build bases. Was your base near the edge of the map?

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49 minutes ago, DenverDeCoY1 said:

It's unlikely there are hacks allowing "teleportation" as I would like to think the server would disagree with that. But I wouldn't be surprised if there are "ESP" hacks out there, allowing players to get a heads-up display of nearby (or distant?) entities, such as tents.

I have heard of players just running along the boarder of the map as this is where MANY people tend to build bases. Was your base near the edge of the map?

This is more than likely the explanation.  Know of many who run the borders like pushing deer from the woods.  Team of 2 to 4 will work the outer edges of the map spread out, and looking for bases, tents, barrels, etc..  Hidden caches are a bit harder to find however. 

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Thanks to those who have replied! Our base is near the edge of the map, but certainly in an odd spot and fairly well camo'd. The thing that made me especially suspicious is that the user who raided us left a stone knife in the tent, seemingly implying that they were near-freshspawned. Also took a couple cans of tac-bacon.

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5 hours ago, DenverDeCoY1 said:

But I wouldn't be surprised if there are "ESP" hacks out there, allowing players to get a heads-up display of nearby (or distant?) entities, such as tents.

I do not think you would even need ESP hacks for that. I can remember this was pretty much standard already in the mod. The game is after all - if you include the mod times - not new in terms of mechanics. there are people who have a ton of experience.

As we ran back then in mod times a "graph" on our server, which showed movements of the players across the map, I can confirm, edge running was already as popular, as was running straight to stary.

7 hours ago, milestr11 said:

So, my question is this- Is it possible for cheating players to simply teleport to any placed tents, loot them, and leave?

as already answered, unlike arma2, which allowed any client to give commands to any client, dayz is strictly server authorative. that means, you can't just teleport yourself around, or others.

But as mentioned by others here, any "standard" (as in "like in every game") type of hack might still work, like aimbotting or packet sniffing. The network bubble is 1000m server side, and the game is pretty laggy, so both will not be as lucrative tho.

7 hours ago, SmokeyFTM said:

find a server with friendly admins  you will find a server you can call home

I would extend this to: "find servers where the admins are already seasoned, and do not abuse their powers to powergame."

I would not expect them not to use their powers at all for personal gain, but at least not abuse it to terrorize others.

Good luck!

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5 hours ago, milestr11 said:

Thanks to those who have replied! Our base is near the edge of the map, but certainly in an odd spot and fairly well camo'd. The thing that made me especially suspicious is that the user who raided us left a stone knife in the tent, seemingly implying that they were near-freshspawned. Also took a couple cans of tac-bacon.

Would you care to share the coordinates or location with me in a PM? I'm not going to check out the base or raid it or what ever but I might give you an indication if it's a good or bad spot. You don't even have to share the server it's on, only the location. If you don't want to, I fully understand that.

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4 hours ago, IMT said:

Would you care to share the coordinates or location with me in a PM? I'm not going to check out the base or raid it or what ever but I might give you an indication if it's a good or bad spot. You don't even have to share the server it's on, only the location. If you don't want to, I fully understand that.

PM'd you the coordinates.


As an update, my friend and I did find a car pretty far away (a good 15-25 minute semi-sprint run) that was packed with loot, some of which seemingly being stuff that we lost. I would assume that would at least indicate server hopping, as there were lots of guns and other similar loot.

Also, for clarification, the purpose of the original post was essentially to try and find out more about this game works- As I said, most of the information I've found has all been from two years ago or older, including the wiki, etc. I was definitely mad when I first made it, but the purpose remains to find out just how some of this stuff works.

Thanks again for the new posts.

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I stole your loot - cans of food and some small items for surviving. But also some ammo and other “misc” items ;) . Your camp is so “dayz mod” that it hurts , even with all these new towns surrounding the approximate area .

I was “fresh spawned” technically as I had ran up to this area and logged out , almost dying , then logged back on another server on that same spot to find something good as my original server seemed dry (the only thing about persistence that works is when you log out in a dry town then log back to it later).

Maybe I can kill a deer now with this ...

Edited by MaxwellHouse69420

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4 minutes ago, MaxwellHouse69420 said:

I stole your loot - cans of food and some small items for surviving. But also some ammo and other misc items . Your camp is so “dayz mod” that it hurts , even with all these new towns surrounding the approximate area .

This doesn't sound exceedingly definite. I'd need more information that I haven't already provided (besides location) to know you're being truthful here. It is the internet, after all, haha.

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16 minutes ago, milestr11 said:

This doesn't sound exceedingly definite. I'd need more information that I haven't already provided (besides location) to know you're being truthful here. It is the internet, after all, haha.

You know it’s true , Boo !

Edited by MaxwellHouse69420

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43 minutes ago, MaxwellHouse69420 said:

You know it’s true , Boo !

No- I don't.

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11 hours ago, milestr11 said:

Thanks to those who have replied! Our base is near the edge of the map, but certainly in an odd spot and fairly well camo'd. The thing that made me especially suspicious is that the user who raided us left a stone knife in the tent, seemingly implying that they were near-freshspawned. Also took a couple cans of tac-bacon.


OP, so you've found your loot but even without it I would say that my money is that your base has been discovered. There is no such a thing as what you mentioned earlier,  "a location that nobody would have any reason to check". I don't want to make myself sound like a Marco Polo here, but me and many other users have been virtually everywhere, just for the hell of it (and to find my own sweet spots). Rarely I set off with the purpose to find people's bases, yet I've found dozens of them, sometimes very neatly hidden (on several occasions I imagined that if I robbed them, the owners would too assume foul play). But as a rule, what people consider a good spot for a base, usually just isn't (because it assumes that all players only travel from the coast to military locations and there are no random wanderers). One of many examples of subpar locations is the hut at 003 107 - I found tents on many servers there. And as folks say, the map edges are scoured by numerous base hunters.

I haven't played recently, but it's worth noting here that tents and structures are (were) never camo'd in the strict sense - humans have in their vision a separate receptor for straight lines. This means that a military tent would always stand out like a sore thumb within a certain distance, unless the game allows now to break its straight contour. The only thing that can be well-hidden from passers-by are barrels under dense trees. Other than that, if a player is near your base, he's likely going to see it.

I didn't get that remarks about the stone knife and tac bacons - how do they prove that he was a freshie? A stone knife is always a must-have for me and if something is surprising, is that he let it go. Perhaps he just found the bacon and decided that there's no need for deer hunting for a while.


If you want, you can also PM me the location of your base. I can share more thoughts about my approach to hiding/finding stuff. Here I will only add that as a rule of thumb, your best gear should not go into tents, but rather barrels and protector cases. Tents just will be discovered sooner or later.



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