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Server stealing loot

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I joined a server today and come in completely naked (underwear only) and no items at all.  Public/Community server.  Now every server I log on to I am completely empty.  I'm suspecting I logged into a modded game that steals everything, but it's public so I now have nothing on all public servers.  Am I thinking too much into it and it just glitched?  And yes, I should keep better track of the servers I join, my bad.

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Almost every community server has its own database, except servers hosted at the classic server hosters like fragnet, gamingdeluxe etc. where you can connect slave servers to your database. So chances that one community server stole your loot everywhere else are zero.

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So all my gear just glitched away?  And this is "beta"?

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Had the same issue last night . Be aware that there are like 5-7 different databases right now ... the experimental 1st/3rd, experimental 1pp ,  experimental 3pp , stable 1pp/3pp , stable 1pp , stable 3pp , and official / community tabs are always seperate as well .

Chances are you just hopped too many servers and now cannot find the proper server to connect to that database again . you can use the “restrict to selected character” but that doesn’t work proper half the time anyway . 


Long story short , you most likely weren’t wiped but you probably won’t find that specific server again ; that’s why I’m playing on the experimental servers - they all share the same patch version , but it’s easy to tell what server you were on if you’ve forgotten due to the big “experimental” in the server name .

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As long as we dont know which server(s) you joined theres no way to tell.

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