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20 minutes ago, LastS said:

You have to add a script like this.

Cheers, will this be working after todays update? That version hasn't changed since yesterday

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1 hour ago, LastS said:

You have to add a script like this.

OKAY i have added this following the tutorial yet i am getting an error saying '  instanceId parameter is mandatory and must be valid 32-bit integer ' ?

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24 minutes ago, TheVampireBat said:

OKAY i have added this following the tutorial yet i am getting an error saying '  instanceId parameter is mandatory and must be valid 32-bit integer ' ?

You must now launch the server with parameters, create a file launcher.bat and edit with notepad:

@echo off

set watch=DayZ Server

title %watch% Watchdog

cd "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\ServerFolder"

echo (%time%) %watch% started.
start "DayZ Server" /wait "DayZServer_x64.exe" -port=2302 -mod=ModdedScripts -config=ServerFolder\serverDZ.cfg -profiles=TZ -name=ServerNameForChat -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck
echo (%time%) %watch% closed or crashed, restarting.
goto watchdog


Edited by LastS

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1 hour ago, LastS said:

You must now launch the server with parameters, create a file launcher.bat and edit with notepad:

@echo off

set watch=DayZ Server

title %watch% Watchdog

cd "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\ServerFolder"

echo (%time%) %watch% started.
start "DayZ Server" /wait "DayZServer_x64.exe" -port=2302 -mod=ModdedScripts -config=ServerFolder\serverDZ.cfg -profiles=TZ -name=ServerNameForChat -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck
echo (%time%) %watch% closed or crashed, restarting.
goto watchdog


much appreciated! :)

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55 minutes ago, TheVampireBat said:

much appreciated! :)


2 hours ago, LastS said:

You must now launch the server with parameters, create a file launcher.bat and edit with notepad:

@echo off

set watch=DayZ Server

title %watch% Watchdog

cd "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\ServerFolder"

echo (%time%) %watch% started.
start "DayZ Server" /wait "DayZServer_x64.exe" -port=2302 -mod=ModdedScripts -config=ServerFolder\serverDZ.cfg -profiles=TZ -name=ServerNameForChat -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck
echo (%time%) %watch% closed or crashed, restarting.
goto watchdog


I've set myself as an admin and all that.. but none of the commands are working? Sorry to keep bothering just i'm at a loss with this one.. names, guid etc all corrent. Path files all correct..

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8 minutes ago, TheVampireBat said:


I've set myself as an admin and all that.. but none of the commands are working? Sorry to keep bothering just i'm at a loss with this one.. names, guid etc all corrent. Path files all correct..

Is working but this last patch disable OpenFile function, so, the script cant read your ID from the txt file.

Modify the file: \ScriptedMods\Modules\AdminTool\AdminTool.c

Change all the code that read your ID from the txt for this line: m_AdminList.Insert("YOURSTEAMID","null");

You should have something like this after change the code:


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9 hours ago, LastS said:

Is working but this last patch disable OpenFile function, so, the script cant read your ID from the txt file.

Modify the file: \ScriptedMods\Modules\AdminTool\AdminTool.c

Change all the code that read your ID from the txt for this line: m_AdminList.Insert("YOURSTEAMID","null");

You should have something like this after change the code:


Still not working.. :/

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2 hours ago, TheVampireBat said:

Still not working.. :/

It worked for me lol, be sure that your code is like that, and place your correct SteamID64

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Hey! Are there ANY admin tools out here ? for example to Teleport or Spectate ?


we wanna make a movie and running to specific Locations is just URG ;D


So.. any Teleport thing available ?



in love.. Gronkhou <3

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so is that menu capable of spawning and teleporting ? we wanna create a movie. 


im asking cuz its not listed in the features

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20 hours ago, LastS said:

Is working but this last patch disable OpenFile function, so, the script cant read your ID from the txt file.

Modify the file: \ScriptedMods\Modules\AdminTool\AdminTool.c

Change all the code that read your ID from the txt for this line: m_AdminList.Insert("YOURSTEAMID","null");

You should have something like this after change the code:



hi mate , i tried ur method but it does not work for me! 

maybe u have a other version of this admin tool? can u send me ur version ?

i checked if my Id is working so i added a print command with success! 

override void Init()
		Print("AdminTool:: Init():: Loading AdminTool Mods...");
		m_AdminList    = new map<string, string>; //UID, name
		m_TPLocations  = new map<string, vector>; //name of town, pos
		m_ExtendedCommands = new map<string,int>; //Command, length
		Print("UR ID was inseted!!!");
		/*-----Add Admins from txt-----
		FileHandle AdminUIDSFile = OpenFile(m_AdminListPath + "Admins.txt", FileMode.READ);
		if (AdminUIDSFile != 0)
			string line_content = "";
			while ( FGets(AdminUIDSFile,line_content) > 0 )
				m_AdminList.Insert(line_content,"null"); //UID , NAME
				Print("Adding Admin: "+ line_content + " To the Admin List!");

do u have any ideas ? 

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well, i got it working it loads, but my game crashes when i connect OOF


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29 minutes ago, Gronkhou said:

well, i got it working it loads, but my game crashes when i connect OOF


Is working fine for me, idk why you have an error :S


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I can't seem to get it working either, i cannot find it starting anywhere in my logs to is it even executed beyond DayZSurvival.c ?

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On 09/11/2018 at 9:46 PM, kaspar rave said:

I can't seem to get it working either, i cannot find it starting anywhere in my logs to is it even executed beyond DayZSurvival.c ?


On 09/11/2018 at 6:49 PM, TheVampireBat said:

Hmmm.. still no luck with mine :(

I just installed with succes this mod. There is a mistake in MarDeGra code: You need to set as comment the code that finds SteamIDs in admin.txt, also you forgot quotation marks in m_AdminList. Try this:

Before -----Add Admins from txt----- write    /*

And after CloseFile(AdminUIDSFile);   } you write     */

So your code gona be like this: (where is 0000000000 you just change to your steam ID)

override void Init()
		Print("AdminTool:: Init():: Loading AdminTool Mods...");
		m_AdminList    = new map<string, string>; //UID, name
		m_TPLocations  = new map<string, vector>; //name of town, pos
		m_ExtendedCommands = new map<string,int>; //Command, length

		/*-----Add Admins from txt-----
		FileHandle AdminUIDSFile = OpenFile(m_AdminListPath + "Admins.txt",FileMode.READ);
		if (AdminUIDSFile != 0)
			string line_content = "";
			while ( FGets(AdminUIDSFile,line_content) > 0 )
				m_AdminList.Insert(line_content,"null"); //UID , NAME
				Print("Adding Admin: "+ line_content + " To the Admin List!");
		//Add Towns to TP array


Edited by SuperElvus

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15 hours ago, CaptHero said:


hi mate , i tried ur method but it does not work for me! 

maybe u have a other version of this admin tool? can u send me ur version ?

i checked if my Id is working so i added a print command with success! 

override void Init()
		Print("AdminTool:: Init():: Loading AdminTool Mods...");
		m_AdminList    = new map<string, string>; //UID, name
		m_TPLocations  = new map<string, vector>; //name of town, pos
		m_ExtendedCommands = new map<string,int>; //Command, length
		Print("UR ID was inseted!!!");
		/*-----Add Admins from txt-----
		FileHandle AdminUIDSFile = OpenFile(m_AdminListPath + "Admins.txt", FileMode.READ);
		if (AdminUIDSFile != 0)
			string line_content = "";
			while ( FGets(AdminUIDSFile,line_content) > 0 )
				m_AdminList.Insert(line_content,"null"); //UID , NAME
				Print("Adding Admin: "+ line_content + " To the Admin List!");

do u have any ideas ? 

Forget it , i forgot to update the server mod as well.... My mistake!

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3 hours ago, CaptHero said:

Forget it , i forgot to update the server mod as well.... My mistake!

what do you mean about updating the serve mod

as i cant for the life of me get this working


Edited by davidp234

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