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Are Handcuffs in 0.63 ?? Was playing the other day and was chatting with another player in the server who was miles away and he kept saying he was finding Handcuffs, which I have not seen in game once. 

I kept saying to him are you sure they’re Handcuffs and are obtainable or just assets in the police station and he was adamant that he saw not one but two sets of handcuffs in the hour we were chatting. 

Anyone else seen or been able to collect Handcuffs please leave a comment. 


Thanks in advance. 


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Nope no handcuffs, none in PC build unless they added them on the Halloween servers on PC stress test. But difinately not on xbox for me 

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I have played a lot of the xbox version and as of yet have not seen any handcuffs you can pick up and use, have seen plenty of them as background items. Also rope and duct tape dose work to tie people up on the xbox have done it a few times. Mostly as a joke when with friend while there away from controller. Equip rope or duct tape to you hand then aim at the target pull your right trigger n hold till the circle becomes full and there you go they will be restrained.

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This method never works for us, maybe they fixed it but nothing said in last few release notes.

I'll give it another try.

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They don't always list every little fix they make, there used to be a bug with the lock pick where if you locked a door and joined a new server it would still be locked in the new server and it wouldn't allow you to unlock it unless you returned to the original server you locked it in. One day it was just fixed and I don't remember reading anything about it

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5 hours ago, Gavin James Egerton said:

I have played a lot of the xbox version and as of yet have not seen any handcuffs you can pick up and use, have seen plenty of them as background items. Also rope and duct tape dose work to tie people up on the xbox have done it a few times. Mostly as a joke when with friend while there away from controller. Equip rope or duct tape to you hand then aim at the target pull your right trigger n hold till the circle becomes full and there you go they will be restrained.

Can anyone else confirm this for Xbox? I'll try this out when I get home today I'm just curious. :b

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The tape and rope doesn't work, tried countless times prior to last couple of updates, also tried earlier, got someone to try it on me as well. Made sure we didn't have anything in hands etc.. 

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