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Increased Wolves etc

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anyone know which folder has the dynamic spawns for the animals??

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found the territories files for the animals in the world.chernarus_ai.pbo but all the smin smax dmin dmax are set to 0, which makes me a little worried as the zombies levels give you a number to add to, last thing i need is every pos for wolves to be spawning them everytime a player comes close. i think i need to find the spawn chance and up that to around 30% 

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9 hours ago, Sy8282 said:

found the territories files for the animals in the world.chernarus_ai.pbo but all the smin smax dmin dmax are set to 0, which makes me a little worried as the zombies levels give you a number to add to, last thing i need is every pos for wolves to be spawning them everytime a player comes close. i think i need to find the spawn chance and up that to around 30% 

I haven't played around with it but I think it might default to the min max values in mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\events.xml if nothing is set in world.chernarus_ai.pbo

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smin and smax in the territoryfiles means "staticmin" and "staticmax". If you set smin=3 and smax=6 there are always 3-6 Wolves on the spawn.

If you define dmin and dmax that means "dynamicmin" and "dynamicmax".  The spawn will be activated with the amount of wolves are set, when a playerchar is near.


If you set smin=3 smax=6 dmin=5 and dmax=10, there will be 8-16 Wolves on spawn, when player activate it. The activation distance for AI is 1000m to Player.

This override the events.xml settings for this AIspawnpoint. If you leave all at 0 the wolves spawn in amount of setting in event.xml.

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Nice cheers don't want every wolf spawn active all the time just more than now 

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You have to change the settings in events.xml.

"min - max" for the amount of spawns, and under Children "min - max" means the amount of wolfes per spawn.

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