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Does the Mosin have a mag?

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So I have found a Mosin and some 7.62 ammo and for the life of me I can not figure out how to load the damn thing... it says there is an internal magazine but I have been unable to load it.


-Does the Mosin have a mag

-Is 7.62 the correct ammo

-How the hell do I load this gun


Thanks so much!!

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7.62 and the mosin should have a clip as mag, so you can instant reload all 5 rounds instead of single load them.

so you should be able to load the mosin, if it's not bugged like most guns :)

  • mosin in hands
  • open inventory
  • on bullets press B
  • hold RT (i think) to load it


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13 hours ago, zPaniK said:

So I have found a Mosin and some 7.62 ammo and for the life of me I can not figure out how to load the damn thing... it says there is an internal magazine but I have been unable to load it.


-Does the Mosin have a mag

-Is 7.62 the correct ammo

-How the hell do I load this gun


Thanks so much!!

1) which version are you playing - standard, experimental, or stress test?  (or xbox?)


Mosin–Nagant has an internal fixed built-in magazine - not removable (like the Mauser pistol 'Red 9', also in DayZ).   IRL = You load a Mozin-Nagent from the top by pushing in one cartridge at a time, OR you have a refillable stripper-clip of cartridges and you can push down all 5 rounds through the top of the receiver, out of the stripper clip into the internal magazine - in one movement.  [and (IRL) you can then put an extra cartridge up the spout and close the bolt to give you six shots]. 

- Note the ammo is 7.62x54 = not 7.62x39  (both these exist in DayZ but they are not compatible.. easiest & fastest is to recognize the ammo packaging, or read the on-screen inventory info, OR if you're starting, check the DayZ Wiki to get the hang of what ammo you need for the different weapons.
-  [ps. and ALSO not 7.62x51, but which anyway is always called .308 in DayZ - whether it's military or civilian].

Between each Mosin shot IRL you have to action the bolt, so in-game you have a DayZ  QTVideo for that action, giving a set delay between shots.

In case you're a fan (at all?) of how it works IRL ... this link is what the game aims to imitate. I think a number of DayZ players own this gun IRL, so I hope this ain't all boring.
Hey - IRL you load the gun with the bolt open (natch) - but not in DayZ. In the game the bolt doesn't exist as far as the player's concerned. It has zero effect on any player actions. 
(also note IRL you can operate a spring lever on the bottom of the integral mag to drop out your unused rounds).

(bet all this wasn't very helpful, right?)


Edited by pilgrim*
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