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DAYZ (Game Preview) Insider Access.

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Hi there guys, I'm seeing a couple of my friends online playing DAYZ (Game Preview) for XBOX ONE. They have informed me it was an Insider Access Invitation.

I was wondering if there is anyway way I can go about submitting an application for early access, and take part in the alpha before it's to late?

Note: I've been an XBOX INSIDER for just over a year now, and have partaken in more than a few betas and, bughunts including the recent PUBG Test Severs and VIGOR.

I've also owned Standalone now on PC for about 2 years, I am still an active player and avid supporter of the game. I know what to expect, and really just want to be a part of this. I really hope to hear some feedback from someone about current or future applications.

Thanks heaps.

Gamertag: PureMarksman

Love, another DAYZ fanboy.

Edited by PureMarksman
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I would love to test it on Xbox I'm a  insider and also tested pubg and Vigor fingers crossed for invite. Oh also 25 days of no work so could test a lot lol ?

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