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Jake Bintner

Straw Poll about spawn points

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If you follow this link, I've started a poll to try and gather an idea of where people truly believe spawnpoints should be in-game. I realize I probably should have done a 5th option for "other", but too late now. I started it in the subreddit, but to gather more accurate data I'm reposting here in the official DayZ forums.



  • Beans 1

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Or choice your favorite spawn....

Joking aside. Leave the spawns as they are now. The only thing that could be considered between 4 spawn regions (North-East / Center-East / South-East or Full-Random) is the exact spawn but still random.

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3 hours ago, Dancing.Russian.Man said:

I miss Kamenka spawns.

and cherno spawns, and balota spawns, and and and


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I feel like a lot of people want "better spawns" because of the lack of loot they see since the changes to the south were made (for a very good reason, it was essentially a deathmatch with zero incentive to leave). But it'd be cool to see some Novo spawns, at the most I will spawn in svetvlo and make my way north. 

Edited by Midnighters

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