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The infected(zombies) are too fast!

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you need a proper weapon.  go cut a stick from a tree, aim center mass, and at the most they'll be able to hit you once in a fight.  if you come up behind one before it aggros they usually don't even get to hit you once.

if you run, it's possible you may aggro more and then you just multiply your problem.  it's possible to lose them, but it's tricky now.

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That doesn't really surprise me. If you play with low FPS it affects your connection to the server as well, thus the infected hit you while sprinting. I sincerely hope that the FPS in the video doesn't reflect the FPS in-game but I think it does because Plays.TV doesn't have that much options to tweak.

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Make a bow and arrows and then sneak into town and if an infected is in your way put an arrow into him or her.

If you don't want to kill the infected sneak around them watch where they are looking and keep out of there line of sight and you can work your way around them. 

Edited by green_mtn_grandbob
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