I see a lot of folks getting upset that bugs in legacy stuff isn’t getting addressed at the speed they would like, isn’t getting prioritized right now, or in general the move to Beta isn’t moving at the speed they would like (or in some cases – systems they are waiting for are not in game just yet). I’m sure for some of you this post will be a rehash of things I’ve said before (and I commend you for keeping up to date and informed on development ;) ) but for those that may have missed some of this stuff, I’d like to go back over it.
With .61 we’re a bit backed against the wall, as obviously the lion’s share of the team are focused on the work needed for Beta. Add into that the fact that a good deal of the work and investigation needed to resolve issues on .61 is work that is thrown into the ether so to speak – work that won’t specifically benefit or apply to the Beta milestone and the systems impacted by that version. For example, folks have been vocal about issues such as duping, well spam, apple spam, and so on – the old adage of “a bandaid on a broken leg” can be applied here. Small fixes can be applied, with time and resources – but the root issue is how the old user actions and animation system *allow* for this type of abuse or issues to be present. Part and parcel with the entire impetus behind the new user actions, animation system, and so on. While as we’ve said – we *are* working on the critical issues present such as server performance, FPS drops and so on – our resources and focus absolutely have to be on the proper goal. Getting DayZ to Beta, and 1.0 (again – build version numbers do not equal a linear step by step path to 1.0 – we do not need to hit every number between 0.61 and 1.0 – it is for versioning, not an indication of the progress towards departure from Early Access)
When it comes to mechanics and systems not yet in the game – I know I’ve spoken on this in the forums before (and by no means does Beta mean every pending system – but we are all working our tushes off to get the best and most critical in for Beta). A good deal of the foundation and spine of large changes to DayZ are directly tied into the technology that the Beta milestone is dependent upon. Infact – let me try and embed the original post I made here on the forums a bit ago:
The spine of how you as players interact with the world is being removed, replaced, and improved – not only does this mean large changes to how DayZ feels – but it (the Beta milestone) means a large change in our focus from new technology implementation and prototyping, to bug fixing and content additions. By no means does Beta mean a “bug free” experience – but it does represent the largest technology change DayZ has seen since the new renderer – and arguably a much, much larger one.
I, and we all know how frustrating it can be to be playing on the Steam branches of DayZ – as legacy bugs, and limitations of builds that are a good distance sometimes behind the internal development – but we hope that you hang in there, and continue to go along with us for the ride.