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Weyland Yutani (DayZ)

Historical Data on Infected Population

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Does anyone have any historical data (links, videos, builds, quotes, etc) on the changes of infected population?

I'm curious about what SA started with and the road to it's max population. Dates and sources are kinda important.

I know we're currently dealing with 1,000 infected, but I know that number was higher at one point but just not sure what build or date that was from. Also curious as to what we started with.

Thanks in advance!

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1,000 now?

Wouldn't dynamic imply the number rises and falls as people enter towns?

I honestly don't think there are any static infected on the map anymore.....

Numbers regarding legacy infected populations would only be applicable to the old and now defunct server spawned system.

I too would love to see all those numbers laid out as well, relevant or not.

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Eugen would be the absolute best source of information for this, I believe. Perhaps there's some way @batyalquawen could get an answer to this?

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5 hours ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

1,000 now?

Wouldn't dynamic imply the number rises and falls as people enter towns?

I honestly don't think there are any static infected on the map anymore.....

Numbers regarding legacy infected populations would only be applicable to the old and now defunct server spawned system.

I too would love to see all those numbers laid out as well, relevant or not.

Even though there is a dynamic spawning system that doesn't imply that there is no maximum. The CLE is dynamic as well and loot has a maximum.

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1 hour ago, IMT said:

The CLE is dynamic as well and loot has a maximum.

...and minimum, and max/min of each specific thing, etc. etc.

Agreed that even though it's an apples-to-oranges comparison, there is still some merit in looking at what's available if you're someone who's interested in the actual development of the game (versus simply getting enjoyment out of the end result of those efforts).

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I'm curious about where the "1000" number comes from. I ask because I recently used the #monitor function as a server admin in RCON and it showed me that there were between 97-100 AI. I never saw the number go higher than 100.

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On 2/16/2017 at 6:31 PM, ColdAtrophy said:

I'm curious about where the "1000" number comes from. I ask because I recently used the #monitor function as a server admin in RCON and it showed me that there were between 97-100 AI. I never saw the number go higher than 100.

The actual count of infected depends on how you are counting them. As I understand it, and I fully acknowledge I could be very wrong in this: When it starts up, the server might be ready to spawn in infected at 1000 different places, but there's little reason to actually spawn them into the game if there are no players around for miles. The server is essentially "saving their spot" - so that when triggered by an approaching player, it knows whether or not to actually spawn a zed. This way, the server only has to track that one piece of info, and doesn't clog up the net traffic with the client/player with unnecessary data. Once a player gets within range of an area with infected, the server actually places them and starts tracking them and sharing that info with the client/player. So if the player goes into a town and kills all the infected, those spawn points are set to deactivate for X amount of time before a player will trigger those spawn points.

So while you may see only 100 at any given time, that's only a snapshot of that particular moment. If it was possible to add up all the infected the players on that server had spawned as they moved through the map, the numbers would be much higher. On a single lone player's walk on an empty server from the Svetlojarsk to Tisy, if they stuck to the main roads the whole time, the total number of infected they have encountered is easily over 100.

As long as the server is managing and spawning the infected as intended (spawning, de-spawning, etc), the actual count at any given moment doesn't really mean much.

It would be interesting to organize a stress-test event, though. Fill a server up with players spread over the coast, and have them progress through the server in waves (perhaps 10 min apart) toward the NW corner of the map, with the players near Elektro swinging westward before turning north. Some should stay in towns along the way, to keep as many infected spawned and active as possible. No infected should be killed if at all possible - just trapped in buildings. Unfortunately, actually making a test like that happen would make herding cats look like the easiest thing in the world.

However, if it could be done, we might be able to see how many infected the server could handle at the same time.

Edited by chambersenator
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On 2/16/2017 at 7:31 PM, ColdAtrophy said:

I'm curious about where the "1000" number comes from. I ask because I recently used the #monitor function as a server admin in RCON and it showed me that there were between 97-100 AI. I never saw the number go higher than 100.

"They (infected) don't feel like a threat because there is not that much. Cuz we can only handle so many infected on an instance. A thousand AI is a lot."

-Brian Hicks. 


There is a bit of a contradiction there no?

1. They don't feel like a threat because there isn't that much.

2. A thousand AI is a lot.

I respectfully disagree. DayZ shipped with around ~700 (I could be wrong), then it got bumped up to a 1,000. Then on to 1,500 on the OLD engine. How is it that 1,000 is all the NEW engine can handle? Wouldn't you figure that, new engine equals new capabilities with infected? Big cities like Cherno, Novo, Berezino should have 100's of infected at all times. It should be a challenge getting into the bigger cities.

Edited by Weyland Yutani (DayZ)

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On 2/16/2017 at 7:12 AM, Tatanko said:

...and minimum, and max/min of each specific thing, etc. etc.

Agreed that even though it's an apples-to-oranges comparison, there is still some merit in looking at what's available if you're someone who's interested in the actual development of the game (versus simply getting enjoyment out of the end result of those efforts).

I believe when i asked about the player map, locations etc.. he said it was being put back in later on. So maybe infected will be in there i dont know.

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On 2/17/2017 at 1:31 AM, ColdAtrophy said:

I'm curious about where the "1000" number comes from. I ask because I recently used the #monitor function as a server admin in RCON and it showed me that there were between 97-100 AI. I never saw the number go higher than 100.

500 infected are maximum on the server now. :)

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32 minutes ago, Baty Alquawen said:

500 infected are maximum on the server now. :)

Thanks for posting. Do you know what DayZ shipped with initially regarding infected count?

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3 hours ago, Baty Alquawen said:

500 infected are maximum on the server now. :)

Thank you very much for weighing in!

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3 hours ago, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:

Thanks for posting. Do you know what DayZ shipped with initially regarding infected count?

I know you mean the start of EA, right? The game is still along way from the term "shipped".

From what I remember they may have gotten between 1500-2000 when testing global spawn limits over a year ago. They would tick horribly warping while stepping. But, that's why they test.

It is a good question, but I think the best question is "how many does it fell like".  To get the feel of the mod (depending on date), I would guess it needs to feel like 4,000 or around 75-100 in a average town like Stary and Novy.


Edited by Coheed_IV
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Also, I believe he was saying 1000 is a lot for the server to handle not the gameplay. 1000 spread out through all the towns would be feel very unpopulated. On the other hand a 1000 only where players are might feel overwhelming, depending on how many players are on and if they are grouped up.

Edited by Coheed_IV
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2 hours ago, Coheed_IV said:

I know you mean the start of EA, right? The game is still along way from the term "shipped".

From what I remember they may have gotten between 1500-2000 when testing global spawn limits over a year ago. They would tick horribly warping while stepping. But, that's why they test.

It is a good question, but I think the best question is "how many does it feel like".  To get the feel of the mod (depending on date), I would guess it needs to feel like 4,000 or around 75-100 in a average town like Stary and Novy.


Correct, the beginning of EA. Sorry for the confusion.

I can't find anything that says 2000 so if you have a link that would be greatly appreciated.

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I don't, was hoping someone else might back me up.  But, I think it was more along the lines of we are hoping to get between those numbers. They understandably talked a lot of vague numbers, like "we hope to get X times the amount we currently have. Plus, not sure it matters if the AI didn't respond and function properly, it was all merely a test.

Edited by Coheed_IV
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