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Please help

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So...for the most part I haven't asked for anything in a long, long time.  Well, I'm finally annoyed enough to ask.

I haven't had access to my "Character" screen in a very long time.  I cannot customize or change any aspect about my character.  I'd, kind of, just like to know why.  I've uninstalled the game, reinstalled.  x64.  Stable and experimental, nothing helps.  It's looks like this: 4x4iA61.jpg

Next question is about the server browser.  I've seen other people with different versions, and wondered if my was indeed up to date:



Thank you, in advance, for any and all help.

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try removing you "DayZ" folder in you documents folder (C:\Users\*USERNAME*\Documents). i suggest you make a backup before in case it's not helping, as it will reset you whole settings.

 oh and remove all startup parameters for DayZ in steam.


that's the new server browser, if you've seen other screenshots, it's propably older ones.

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Remove all launcher options from Steam that are connected to DayZ.

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55 minutes ago, Just Caused said:

Remove all launcher options from Steam that are connected to DayZ.

Good eye!

iirc that light blue character screen was caused by one of those archaic launch options, -skipintro or -nosplash


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6 hours ago, Just Caused said:

Remove all launcher options from Steam that are connected to DayZ.

THAT WAS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have NO idea how much I appreciate your help.  I have DayZ control back again!  I can see my character, I can use the "Play" option without the game crashing (I don't have to go into the server browser anymore), and I can exit...I don[t have to use Ctrl Alt Del to shut the game down anymore!!!

Thank you again, so very much.  I totally forgot that I even put those commands in there back in 2013!!!  I am so very happy....thank you.


Now solve my loot problem.....lol.



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